
薪資範圍:NT$ 70,000 - 120,000 (月薪)

公司名稱: 土星永續股份有限公司

Extended Job Requirements: - Strong coding skills: As an LLM engineer at this startup, you will be expected to have a strong foundation in coding and software development. You should be fluent in languages such as Python, Java, or C++ and have a track record of building scalable software applications. - Bioinformatics experience: We are looking for someone with a background in bioinformatics who is familiar with the tools and techniques used in this field. Familiarity with genomics data analysis, transcriptomics, proteomics, and other molecular biology techniques is a plus. - Machine learning expertise: Our company is focused on developing cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions for genomics and bioinformatics research. Therefore, we are seeking someone who has experience in machine learning algorithms and can apply them to complex biological datasets. - Strong problem-solving skills: In order to succeed in this role, you must possess excellent problem-solving skills. You should be able to identify problems, develop hypotheses, and design experiments to test your theories. You should also be able to analyze complex data sets and draw meaningful conclusions from your findings. - Collaboration: At our startup, we value collaboration and teamwork. You should be comfortable working in a team-based environment and be willing to share your ideas with others. You should be able to communicate complex scientific concepts to non-technical colleagues and be open to feedback from your peers. - Passion for science and technology: We are seeking someone who is passionate about science and technology and is excited about the prospect of using AI to advance our understanding of biology. You should be curious, innovative, and always willing to learn new things. - Education: A degree in computer science, engineering, bioinformatics, or a related field is required for this position. An advanced degree in one of these fields (such as a Master's or PhD) is preferred. 我們正在尋找一位有熱情、有創意且對於使用 GenAI 和生物信息學解決現實問題充滿激情的 LLM 工程師。 您將加入我們充滿活力的初創公司,負責開發和改進 GenAI 平台,並設計和構建強大的生物信息學工具。作為我們團隊的一員,您將參與開發科技、制定產品路線圖以及驗證產品的有效性。 您的日常工作包括: - 設計並開發生物信息學工具,並在 GenAI 平台上實現 - 分析和處理大量基因序列數據,保證數據準確性和可靠性 - 建立和維護生物信息學數據庫,並持續更新和優化 - 與其他團隊成員密切合作,包括軟件工程師、生物學家和數據科學家,共同推動產品的發展 我們希望您具備以下資格: - 碩士或博士學位,專業領域包括但不限於計算機科學、生物信息學、統計學或相關領域 - 在生物信息學領域有一定的經驗,並掌握相關工具和技術,如 BLAST、Bowtie、STAR、Cufflinks 等 - 熟練掌握至少一種編程語言,如 Python、Java 或 C++ - 具備良好的團隊合作能力,善於溝通和解決問題 - 對 GenAI 技術和生物信息學領域充滿熱情和好奇心,並願意不斷學習和探索新知識和技術 如果您想加入我們,請提交您的履歷和簡短自我介紹。我們期待與您聯繫!



