【PMM】Product Marketing Manager

薪資範圍:800,000 ~ 1,100,000 TWD / year

公司名稱: 杜浦數位安全股份有限公司

Key Tasks:

◆ Create a product launch plan and work with the product managers, the sales team, and the marketing team to ensure a successful product launch and to spread the word regarding the new solutions or services.

◆ Interpret market research and apply relevant findings to the product/service development process. The insights can contribute to product features, value proposition and user experience.

◆ Own the product’s go-to-market strategy and ensure that all messaging regarding the product/service is accurate and presented in a way that potential customers will care about.

◆ Create consistent positioning statements, messaging and the associated proof points of the products/services in sales kit, datasheet, blog posts, and other sales collateral, which link each feature to a customer-oriented benefit.


◆ 5+ years experience in Product Marketing, Product Management or a closely related discipline. B2B, SaaS or related marketing experience is preferred.

◆ Excellent English written and verbal communication skills at a native or near-native level, possibly including some copywriting skills, for different collateral types and audiences to clearly explain technical concepts to non-technical individuals.

◆ Proven track record in crafting compelling messaging and storytelling around complex products and services




TeamT5 杜浦數位安全專精研究網路攻擊、資安威脅,並提供反制惡意程式之資安解決方案。客戶來自臺灣及美國、日本、韓國、新加坡、泰國、印度、越南、菲律賓,產業別涵蓋政府機關、金融、科技、電信、資安服務提供商,持續保護機密文件,阻斷網路攻擊。團隊具備超過10年的惡意程式與進階持續性滲透攻擊 APT 的研究經歷,基於地理和語言優勢,我們有效掌握亞太地區的駭客攻擊。更經常受邀參加世界級資安會議演講,包括美國 Black Hat、日本 Code Blue/ AVTokyo、德國 Troopers,及國際組織辦理的 Hack In The Box 與FIRST 等。解決方案並獲科技部「科技大擂台二:AI攻防戰決賽」競賽肯定。-2025-01-14