【Remote WFH 遠端】後端工程師 (Backend Engineer)(Python)


公司名稱: 永訊智庫股份有限公司

ESG、碳議題為近年迅速發展的熱門市場趨勢 我們團隊也因應市場需求做擴編 我們是全遠端團隊,正積極尋找新夥伴加入 【我們正在尋找】 對新技術極具興趣,會一起發想更好的解決方案 邏輯清晰能有效率進行溝通 有豐富後端/資料處理經驗 【Job Description】 Develop and maintain backend systems using FastAPI, with a deep understanding of synchronous and asynchronous API design, and the ability to choose the appropriate implementation based on requirements. Familiar with operating relational databases, knowing how to optimize queries and data operations while ensuring database-friendly design and practices. Actively explore and apply the latest technologies to drive innovation in the product and maintain a competitive edge in the industry. Actively participate in team communication and collaboration, maintaining effective communication even in a remote working environment. 【Skills Required】 Hands-on experience with cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or Azure. Proficient in containerization technologies such as Docker, capable of managing and deploying applications efficiently. Strong command of Git for version control and code management, keeping code clean and organized. Expertise in Python with extensive development experience, able to write efficient and maintainable code. Proficient in SQL, with practical experience in designing and optimizing relational databases, capable of writing efficient queries and stored procedures. Familiarity with at least one backend framework (e.g., Django, Flask, FastAPI), able to perform efficient backend development. Knowledge of database operations and data structure design, capable of designing efficient and stable data storage solutions. 【Preferred Qualifications】 Experience with non-relational databases (e.g., MongoDB, Elasticsearch). Experience with Git Actions or other automation tools for script development and deployment. Familiarity with Agile development environments and methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban. 【Application Task】 因為應徵人數眾多,如果對我們的職缺有興趣,我們需要您完成以下問題,讓我們更了解您的技術水平 挑選任何你有興趣的主題(金融、電商、新聞等皆可),完成以下需求 1. 能定期爬取你想要的資訊 2. 能將爬取的資訊存入資料庫(sqlite即可) 3. 開發過程請使用git進行版控 Optional 1. 將代碼包裝成docker image 2. 說明你為什麼選擇這個主題,可能的應用場景為何 3. 你覺得合適加入的功能 請不要超過3小時,如無完成也可以提交,上傳至 repository 或是 email 給我們



