ScrumMaster (台中市政府旁)

薪資範圍:48,000 ~ 68,000 TWD / month

公司名稱: 新加坡商鈦坦科技

As a ScrumMaster, you will grow the Product Owner and Development Teams to be awesome so that they can respond to changes easily to delight customers. You can find Titansoft’s seasoned exposure in professional coaching, facilitation and Agile software development complementary in the quest to improve agility.

How WE can help you:
* 12 days of rest and relaxation for you each year. (P.S. It gets even better over the years!)
* Competitive salaries and bonuses bench-marked against big players in the industry.
* Flexible working hours (Sleep in a little longer after fixing that pesky bug from last night).
* Comprehensive insurance coverage.
* Very well-stocked pantry (We've never head of the term 'Hunger Games', nope)
* Communities of Practice and Workshops catered for your growth and learning.
* Substantial subsidies and programs to keep that creative flow while having fun! (Health promotion program, annual overseas company outing, an annual dinner that nobody will ever forget, etc.)
* Hardcore work and hardcore fun!




* Experienced in software development for at least 3 years.
* Exposed to Agile software development for at least 1 year
* Understood the nature and challenges of software development.
* Experienced in Agile transformation and is familiar with developing products iteratively.

* Familiar working in iterative development and Scrum
* Able to create a safe environment where voices can be heard without fear
*Ability to facilitate team's discussions, meetings and conflict resolutions
* Familiar working with organisation to support team’s growth
* Able to split product backlog items in ways that will create more possibilities for product.
* Strong awareness, observational skills over the environment and situation on hand.
* Familiar with technical practices like Refactoring, Test-Driven Development, Continuous Integration and has mentored teams on dealing with legacy code.

Personality and Traits:
* Leadership is the ability to create an environment that enables everyone to contribute productivity.
* Believe that people are not to be repaired and fixed.
* Value relationship and the need to build it
* Reflective and open to learning new skills

Minimum Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Management, or related field


台北市南港區台北市南港區園區街 3 之 1 號 11 樓之 1(南港軟體園區 G 棟)


鈦坦科技,是一間總部位於新加坡的軟體開發公司,提供線上軟體平台客製開發與維護,以及代理 Atlassian 旗下產品 Jira Software & Confluence、線上視覺化白板 Miro ,以自身實際使用經驗提供一站式導入服務。身處快速變動的軟體產業,我們採用敏捷開發,同時將敏捷思維注入公司文化,目的是快速、靈活地應對客戶和市場需求的變化,在多年導入及迭代的經驗下,我們也開始提供企業客製化敏捷課程及顧問諮詢服務。◆ Never Stop Growing ◆鈦坦科技台灣分公司座落於台北南港軟體園區內,隨著業務擴展,我們大舉擴編,甚至將版圖擴張至台中,至今我們仍不斷需要優秀人才加入。◆ Never Stop Trying ◆我們是不斷嘗試不同方法的一群人,不管是實踐敏捷開發,或是應用資料科學,都是為了讓產品更好,讓技術能夠真正創造價值。◆ Never Stop Challenging ◆在鈦坦這個充滿活力的專業團隊中,每位同仁都是不可或缺的成員,我們竭盡所能為每位同仁創造機會、提升自我、實現自我、挑戰自我。◆ Never Stop Changing ◆我們歡迎改變,並且隨機應變,面對不斷變化的市場需求,為我們的客戶打造高品質的產品。◆ Never Stop Improving ◆在鈦坦學習就是生活的一部分,只要是鈦坦人就可以參與多元的訓練計畫,發揮你全部潛能。 因為我們深信:公司的成長,來自夥伴的成長。◆◆鈦坦人的日常◆◆◆ 工程師除了寫Code,還有什麼可能性?-2024-09-17