Cyber Security Engineer(台北)

薪資範圍:70,000 ~ 130,000 TWD / month

公司名稱: SGS台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司

• Responsible for cybersecurity services development including security assessment, penetration testing and vulnerability assessment for various of IOT devices;

• Develop/maintain cyber security assessment methodlogy in compliance with global cyber security requirements and regulations;

• Interlock with SGS global cyber security experts to develop/maintain localized SOPs and also technical Cyber Lab Infrastructure;

• Maintain/contribute to knowledge base of cyber security, including vulnerability, cryptography, secure element, etc.

• Responsible for quality of work in-line with global SGS-internal standards on cybersecurity;

• Serve as mentor and subject matter expert to internal and external stakeholders;

• Ensure quality and completeness of documentation and reporting;

• Technical support for selling global cybersecurity services to local market.

• Contribute to the global cybersecurity strategy together with the other Cyber Labs;

• Proven work experience in Cyber security, Privacy and ISO auditing;

• Familiarity with process maturity models and risk management;

• Understanding of the latest security principles, techniques and concepts;

• Understanding of compliance requirements and regulations across different regions;

• Experience in communicating information and developing reports related to cyber security;

• Experience in project management and relationship management.




SGS 集團成立於 1878 年,是世界上測試、驗證、檢驗服務的領導者,為全球公認的品質及誠信標竿。1919 年在瑞士日內瓦登記註冊為通用檢驗公證集團。在全世界共擁有超過 93,000 名員工分佈於 2,600 多個營運分公司及實驗室。 SGS 集團於 1952 年在台灣設立瑞商遠東公證股份有限公司,成立初期在台北、基隆及高雄三大城市設立分公司。為適應國內產業升級及國際化的需求,於 1991 年 5 月成立台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司,以擴大提供專業測試及技術服務。迄今,SGS 在台服務已逾一甲子 , 擁有逾 3,500 名專業人員,總管理處設在新北市新北產業園區、在全台灣擁有 17 個以上多元化之實驗室。SGS 在台灣的經濟成長中扮演著重要的角色,協助廠商拓展外銷及提升品質,並以「追求創新」的精神來因應現階產業經濟的變遷與台灣的發展,秉持 SGS 的優良傳統,繼續為台灣未來經濟發展貢獻心力。-2024-09-17