Linux System Administrator

薪資範圍:1,200,000 ~ 1,800,000 TWD / year

公司名稱: 台灣微科軟件有限公司

Job Description

- Install, configurate, maintain, and update various linux operating system.
- Install, configurate, maintain, and update various open source applications.
- Trouble shooting and search for solution.
- Script programming


- Good in English
- You must have solid knowledge in various distribution of Linux.
- In depath knowledge in IP networking.
- Basic programing skill.


台灣台北市松山區南京東路三段287號9 樓


台灣微科軟件有限公司為香港Netsoft集團在台灣成立的產品研發中心,專為全球服裝產業客戶提供雲端應用系統,以協助客戶提升競爭優勢。Netsoft於1980年專注為製衣行業研發電腦軟件系統,在商場上已豎立三十多年,在科技上我們於2001年起專注發展雲技術。旗下公司:iGarment Limited (艾格文) - 提供雲管理系統PAD System International Limited (派特) - 提供服裝雲設計NetCloud International Data Center Limited (雲網) - 提供伺服器托管服務憑藉著集團多年經營服裝產業軟體的經驗,台灣微科軟件致力於將產品/服務與互聯網技術結合,為客戶打造更友善且具效率的使用經驗;同時,亦積極打造全新的互聯網產品/服務,我們的目標是通過互聯網以公平的月費向使用者提供我們的線上軟體。若您對程式充滿熱誠、願意嘗試與挑戰新技術及架構,期待並歡迎您加入我們!iGarment is a software development and cloud service provider offering management system for the apparel industry. Established in Hong Kong in 1987, we have more than 1,000 customers over China, Hong Kong and South East Asia. Our products include CAD (Computer-Aided Design), PLM (Product Life-cycle Management), JOS (Job Order Management System), PMS (Production Management System) and DRP (Distribution Resource Planning).We are also the first company applying Cloud computing to benefit our customers in the apparel industry. Our R&D in Taiwan is developing cloud solution by combining Web Technology with our existing CAD product. Our target is to offer our CAD software to the public via Internet at a affordable monthly charges.We invited young, innovated, and talented candidate, who belief in Cloud technology and interested in software design and development to join us.-2025-03-04