Pre-sales Engineer (TH)售前工程師(泰國)


公司名稱: 台灣帆軟有限公司

薪資: 55,000 – 70,000 per month (THB) 泰铢 Base:Bangkok, Thailand Language:Thai + English or Thai + Chinese ◆Job Responsibilities: 1- Assist sales to obtain customer orders, help pre-sales engineer with QA of product information and POC. 2- Manage customer network, cooperate with marketing activities of our clients. 3- Provide customers with immediate responses and necessary assistance to solve product or service related problems to maintain stable customer relationships. 4- Actively identify problems for customers, formulate the best solutions based on customer needs, and create the best results for customers. 5- Actively obtain user experience and feedback, proactively understand the functions of competing products, regularly compile and submit product function optimization and user experience reports to the product team helping on creating battle cards. 6- Correspond to corporate customer training plans and key-success indicators, provide appropriate integrated solutions during the contract period to create re-sale opportunities. 7- Well understand customers’ user experience and feedback, and submit product function optimization and user experience reports to the product team helping improve our products. 8- Cooperate with Sales in a timely manner and cooperate with the planning and execution of the pre-intro-meeting to ensure a smooth customer handover process. 9- Good communication and collaboration with various department team members. 10- Pay attention to technology trends in the field of enterprise IT/Saas, etc., and understand marketing dynamics and Fanruan’s unique business value. ◆Hiring Requirements: 1- Bachelor's degree or above, major in science, engineering, etc. 2- Familiar with SQL Script, Excel, JavaScript, Linux deployment and operation and maintenance and other skills 3- Proficient use and management experience of at least one database engine 4- Highly willing to learn independently on data analysis applications and IT technology solution integration 5- Have patience in communicating with others, strong ability to withstand pressure, clear thinking, strong collaboration skills, and the ability to learn quickly, proactively innovate and integrate 6- Good document reading and writing skills (Thai + English or Chinese), good at using briefings to summarize work experience. 7- Able to establish business trust relationships with customers at decision-making level ◆職位職責: 1-協助銷售取得客戶訂單,進行產品相關的POC和QA。 2- 管理客戶網絡,配合客戶的行銷活動。 3-為客戶提供即時回應和必要的協助,解決產品或服務相關問題,以維持穩定的客戶關係。 4-主動為客戶發現問題,根據客戶需求制定最佳解決方案,為客戶創造最佳結果。 5-主動獲取使用者體驗和回饋,主動了解競品功能,定期撰寫並提交產品功能優化和使用者體驗報告給產品團隊,幫助改進我們的產品。 6-負責企業客戶培訓計畫和客戶標桿指標,在合約期間提供合適的綜合解決方案,創造增購機會。 7.與各部門團隊成員保持良好的溝通與協作。 10-關注企業IT/Saas等領域的技術動態,了解行銷動態和帆軟獨特的商業價值。 ◆招募需求: 1- 本科及以上學歷,理工科等專業背景。 2-熟悉SQL Script、Excel、JavaScript、Linux部署及維運等技能 3- 熟練使用和管理至少一種資料庫引擎的經驗 4- 非常願意獨立學習資料分析應用和IT技術解決方案集成 5- 有耐心與他人溝通,抗壓性強,思路清晰,協作能力強,具有快速學習、主動創新和整合的能力 6- 良好的文件閱讀與寫作能力(泰文+英文或中文),善於利用簡報總結工作經驗。 7- 能夠在決策層與客戶建立業務信任關係



