
薪資範圍:NT$ 45,000 - (月薪)

公司名稱: PressPlay

飛輪電商歡迎所有對電商產業有熱忱的人才加入!若您具有獨立思考能力也享受團隊合作,善於分析數據佐證想法,喜歡在快步調及充滿挑戰的環境中精進自己,飛輪電商是提供你發揮所長展現自我的舞台! 1. Analyze marketplaces and expand new channels for the company.  2. Be capable of estimating cost, margin, pricing and etc. 3. Implement advertising, promotion and pricing strategies for marketplaces. 4. Establish SOP and strealine process for routine works. 5. Work independently and manage marketplaces. 6. Determine the impact of your actions/decisions. 1. 協助公司拓展與分析新通路 2. 預估商品成本、利潤及定價 3. 執行個別通路行銷及定價策略 4. 建立及優化標準工作流程 5. 獨立管理個別通路 6. 具備個人行動與決策量化分析能力         


台灣 臺中市


English certification:TOEIC 800 / TOEFL 70 / IELTS 6.5 / No GEPT Remark: 1. Need to have English bio & CV 2. Better major in business related or have relevant experiences 3. Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc ), frame in pivot table and xlookup would be a plus  投遞前可參考我們的官方網站。  -2024-09-17