Full stack Engineer 全端工程師 Node.js

薪資範圍:1,800,000 ~ 2,600,000 TWD / year

公司名稱: 簡結科技股份有限公司


-Manage and lead dev teams to deliver reliable services for customers

-Database and backend service maintaining and developing

-Responsible for workflow automation , process optimization and performance tuning

-Design and implement low-latency, high-availability and performance applications

-Integrate services with 3Rd-party platform

-Experienced with Node.js / Docker


-Project/Feature Planning

-Experienced with Nest.js / Kubernetes 

-Design Testing tool and deploying with CI/CD flow

簡結科技是一間致力於發展商店智慧管理系統的軟體公司,提供雲端軟體服務方案,支援所有平台使用,提供商家雲端POS/電商/物流等 microservice 與簡易ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)軟體服務,讓商務客戶能以最簡易的方式,掌握店內營運資訊,節省人力成本,可更專心於自家產品服務。

主要商品 / 服務項目

  • 線上電商平台 
    • 官網建置 /線上銷售 / 線上金流物流 / 三方平台服務整合
  • 店面管理系統
    • 商品銷售系統 / 預約管理 / 數據分析 / 金流服務
  • 智慧客服平台
    • 客服整合平台 / AI智慧客服 / 企業內部知識管理系統


  • 商業軟體營運顧問
    • 微服務專案代管/資料庫優化/專案架構設計
  • 軟硬體系統整合
    • 軟硬體跨域整合 / Iot 裝置管理 / 電控設備軟體整合

1. 基本薪資保障14個月
2. 到職即給七天休假,自由安排假期


  • Ability to design database schemas that represent and support business needs using SQL or NoSQL.
  • Proficiency in Node.js and related frameworks (NestJS, Koa, Express, or Fastify).
  • Experience in developing REST APIs and GraphQL.
  • Familiarity with React/Next.js and CSS.
  • Knowledge of performance optimization in SSR (Server-Side Rendering) and CSR (Client-Side Rendering).
  • Experience with DevOps (Google Cloud / AWS / Net Router / Budget control).
  • Proficiency in unit testing and end-to-end (E2E) testing.
  • Understanding of fundamental design principles behind scalable applications.
  • Strong understanding of security and data protection practices.
  • Solid grasp of asynchronous programming concepts
  • 公司地址:



    Procesdure1) resume submit :  請針對自己原有簡歷先做對於本職位最適用的摘要,並提交一份完整履歷2) phone call (10~15min)3) Coding assignment4) interview (60~90min)5) Work contract and agreement-2024-09-17