投資研究經理 Investment Manager


公司名稱: 香港商唐尼爾森人力資源有限公司台灣分公司

工作內容: • 進行國內外產業及投資標的的研究與分析。 • 建立財務預測模型並提供投資建議。 • 協助進行個股研究相關工作。 • 執行主管交辦的其他事項。 條件及要求: • 語言條件(外語): [英文] 聽:中等,說:中等,讀:精通,寫:中等 • 至少有五年以上覆蓋台股非電子產業的經驗。 • 具備建立財務預測模型及獨立撰寫個股報告的能力。 • 工作態度正面,樂於學習,並具備優秀的邏輯思維、溝通能力、報告撰寫及簡報製作技能。 • 對國內外新興產業發展趨勢及併購有興趣。 • 大學以上學歷。 • 十年以上工作經驗。 Job Responsibilities: • Conduct research and analysis on domestic and international industries and investment targets. • Develop financial forecasting models and provide investment recommendations. • Assist with individual stock research tasks. • Perform other duties as assigned by supervisors. Qualifications and Requirements: • Language Skills (Foreign Language): [English] Listening: Intermediate, Speaking: Intermediate, Reading: Advanced, Writing: Intermediate • At least 5 years of experience covering non-electronic sectors of the Taiwan stock market. • Proven ability to develop financial forecasts and independently prepare stock reports. • Positive work attitude, eagerness to learn, and strong skills in logic, communication, report writing, and presentation creation. • Interest in emerging industries and mergers & acquisitions both domestically and internationally. • Bachelor's degree or higher. • Over 10 years of work experience.



