銀行系統 Scrum Master


公司名稱: 星展(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司

【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是亞洲最大的金融集團之一,2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利,非常希望邀請您加入我們的行列! 【您可能會想知道】 - 正職人員到職滿六個月每週可彈性在家工作兩天(實際情況依各部門安排另有不同) - 入職即享年假最低 14 天+1 天 Birthday Holiday - 到職即享萬元的彈性補助金,可用於家族旅遊或多項生活津貼 - 將有許多與國外夥伴合作的機會,能累積國際溝通和商業英語能力 【職缺內容】 A. Overall responsible for the Applications support and systems setup in DBS Taiwan, manages the entire Technology Applications in the Bank both on Operations and Project delivery, to support the following operations services and projects: a. Manage Country tech application hosted in Taiwan or Region and major support on Customer Service and Digital Process system. b. User requirement management and analysis for project implementation/new enhancement. c. System change management d. Production Incident management and issue diagnostic. e. Application/System Security management (vulnerability fix / security patching /ISCD) f. Project management (contracts, SOWs, delivery etc). B. Ensure compliance to DBSTW standard and policy as well as Group standards and regulatory requirements. C. Deployment of applications systems to support business and units in the Bank.




Requirements: • Supporting applications/projects management, it will be a plus if has experience in customer service support. • Bank application development/support.-2024-09-17