前端或全端 軟體工程師 full stack/ Front-end developer | 工作地點: 新北市


公司名稱: Tezerakt_美商立方體有限公司台灣分公司

<< 請提供英文簡歷 >> 本工作需駐點在客戶端 (新北市) 專案目標: 設計一個Web應用程式和平台。此平台將用作資料管理、流程管理、相關報表的管理 1) 使用 Angular 框架 進行開發 - Design, develop, and maintain user-friendly web interfaces using Angular - UI/UX development to translate design concepts into functional code. - Build reusable Angular components, directives, and services. - Optimize Angular code for performance and scalability. 2) 資料視覺化 Data Visualization: - Utilize data visualization libraries (e.g., D3.js, Chart.js) to create informative and engaging charts, graphs, and dashboards. - Integrate data visualization components with Angular applications. 3) 使者介面測試 Web UI Testing: - Develop and execute automated tests for Angular applications using testing frameworks (e.g., Jasmine, Karma). - Ensure the quality and stability of the web interface. 4) 後台整合 Back-End Integration: - Understand and work with RESTful APIs, JSON data structures, and API integration with Angular. - Collaborate with back-end developers to seamlessly integrate front-end components with back-end services. 職務條件 1) 4年以上 前端開發經驗 2)熟悉 Angular 開發架構 (version 9+ preferred). 3) 熟HTML, CSS, TypeScript, and Python. 4) 有經驗測試流程 web testing frameworks and unit testing for Angular applications. 5) 基本瞭解 - RESTful APIs, JSON data structures, and API integration. 6) 版本控管 (e.g., Git, Perforce)



