Global macro trader- Fixed Income & FX


公司名稱: 源融投資股份有限公司

Key Responsibilities: 1. Initiate and execute investment opportunities across DM/EM fixed income & FX products 2. Detailed, proactive, data-driven fundamental research to support the trading rationale 3. Periodically present trading opportunities/performance results effectively to internal/external stakeholders 4. Interact with colleagues from portfolio management, research, and IT to facilitate alternative data collection and system implementation




1. Passionate and self-learner in investment management and data analysis; 2. Ability to do quality multitasks in a demanding, fast-paced environment; attention to details 3. Strong interpersonal skills and experience in a team-based, results-oriented environment 4. 2~4 years of investment/research relevant experience; trading experience in banks/insurance companies a plus 5. CFA holder preferred 【履歷投遞-溫馨提醒】 HR會盡量在3個工作天內主動聯繫合適人選,請各位耐心等待~ 如現階段可能還不合適馬上邀請您加入團隊的人選,HR將不另行通知。 但也請不要介意,不是您的條件不好,只是現階段還沒能提供您發揮的空間,但非常謝謝您對我們的肯定!-2024-09-17