DevOps / Senior DevOps Engineer (維運 / 資深維運工程師)
薪資範圍:70,000 ~ 120,000 TWD / month
We are looking for technical experts in cloud service provisioning, operating and managing distributed application systems on mainstream cloud providers such as AWS, GCP, Azure, Aliyun. You are responsible for:
● Deploying, managing, and operating scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems
● Migrating an existing on-premises application to cloud
● Implementing and controlling the flow of data to and from cloud
● Selecting the appropriate cloud service based on compute, data, or security requirements
● Identifying appropriate use of cloud operational best practices
● Estimating cloud usage costs and identifying operational cost control mechanisms
◉ Kubernetes experience (1+ year)
◉ Experience with at least one of the three major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure)
◉ Experience with CI/CD automation tools
◉ DroneCI or Github Action or GitlabCI or ArgoCD or FluxCD
◉ Containerization development experience (Docker)
◉ Software development experience (2+ years)
◉ Database design experience (2+ years)
(If you're missing one of the item listed above in "Must Have", then you should be super famailir with at least 2 items listed above in "must have" and + should have 2 experiences as listed below:
◉ Experience setting up monitoring and alerting systems (Prometheus, Grafana)
◉ Experience with IaC development (Terraform)
【Nice-to-haves (Not Compulsory)】:
◉ Experience operating distributed databases (Kafka, ELK)
◉ Security-related experience or Big data experience
● 3+ years experience in provisioning, operating, and managing cloud environments as DevOps Engineer
● Experience developing code in at least one high-level programming language
● Experience with system automation tools (Terraform, Ansible)
● Experience with monitoring, alerting, and pipeline analysis tools (Zabbix, Logstash)
● Experience with IaaS and Container solution (VMware, GCP Compute Engine, Docker, Kubernetes)
● Experience with SQL/NoSQL systems (PostgreSQL, Kafka, Redis)
● Experience with Infrastructure Architecture design
● Knowledge on networking and protocols
第一輪面試 (線上Via Google Meet)DevOps Lead與Product Manager會以Panel形式進行面試與考試第二輪面試 (現場面試)30mins:Tech interview by IT Auditor (英文面試, 旁邊會有DevOps Lead協助中文翻譯輔助)30mins:Tech interview by DevOps Lead & CPO (中文面試)50mins:System Design by DevOps Lead & CPO (中文面試)30-60 mins:HR interview (中文面試)面試追加輪次如面試者對團隊內的文化, 合作模式, 或者工作內容期待有更深入的了解, 可以在第一輪面試後 或者 第二輪面試前後告知, 以確保面試者擁有足夠需要了解公司與團隊的資訊 :)以上面試皆會盡量安排在兩周之內跑完哦~-2025-03-04