【數位驅動】數位平台–軟體開發工程師C# Engineer(數數發中心,DDT)


公司名稱: 國泰世華商業銀行

【職位要求 Qualifications】 1.Experience developing solutions in C# development. 2.Experience developing web applications. 3.Experience developing with .Net Core will be a plus. 4.Experience with Git version control. 【其他條件 】 1.Experience working in an Agile development environment. 【主要職責 Who we are looking for】 Collaborate closely with financial product design, internal and external system development teams. Be capable of jumping out of the framework, prioritizing user experience, and working with the team to innovate and think about the future direction of product development. 【職務說明 What will you do】 1.Develop and maintain C# and .NET, client-side (web based) and server side software, in an Agile environment. 2. Design and Development of web interfaces and APIs to fit within the existing system architecture and design. 3. Modification, enhancement and support of existing software components. 4. Understand the existing code base and work with the established frameworks to on-board new Clients and Customers. 5. Work cooperatively and productively with other Software Engineers and Management. 【發展與培訓 Development & training】 這是一項非常具挑戰性的工作,因此我們會盡全力支援你在各工作階段的發展。從你加入的第一天起,我們將提供全方位的集團培訓計畫。首先你會得到產品知識訓練;並對於想深入了解的領域,可根據需求報名集團與知名企業合作,所提供的數位行銷、分析、使用者體驗等相關課程,形式包含定期系列講座、實戰工作坊。若這些課程無法滿足你的需求,也可自由選擇申請外部進修補助,並有機會得到全額進修補助。此外,你也能接觸不同業務部門,更深入至有興趣的專業領域工作。



