Senior Java Backend Developer 資深後端工程師


公司名稱: 電碼科技有限公司

【工作內容】 1. 使用微服務架構開發高併發性和可擴充的後端服務 2. 整合第三方 API 3. 最佳化應用程序和 Data Pipeline,以取得最大性能和可擴充性 4. 追求極致,凝聚正向的工程師文化 【職務條件】 1. 5+年後端開發經驗 2. 熟練掌握 SpringBoot 和 SpringCloud 3. 熟悉微服務和分散式系統 4. 熟悉基本資料結構和演算法 5. 熟悉 Kafka 或 RabbitMQ 6. SQL / noSQL 資料庫的實務經驗(MySQL / Redis / MongoDB) 7. 對區塊鏈有濃厚興趣,並能積極學習新技術 8. 能夠分解複雜問題並提出可行的技術解決方案 【加分條件】 1. 熟悉 Docker 和 Kubernetes 2. 瞭解不同以太坊第二層操作原則(ZK Rollup、Optimistic Rollup、Side-chain) 3. 瞭解區塊鏈的智能合約開發 4. AWS 雲服務的使用經驗 【面試流程】 1. 線上面試 (30 - 40 分鐘) 2. On-site 技術面試 (約 2 - 3 小時) 3. On-site HR 面試 (約 30 分鐘) [Responsibilities] 1. Develop a highly concurrent and scalable backend service using microservices. 2. 3rd-party API integrations 3. Optimize applications and data pipelines for maximum performance and scalability. 4. Foster a positive engineering culture by setting the standard and leading by example. [Qualifications] 1. 5+ years of backend development experience. 2. Proficiency in SpringBoot and SpringCloud. 3. Familiarity with microservices and distributed systems. 4. Knowledge of fundamental data structures and algorithms. 5. Familiarity with Kafka or RabbitMQ. 6. Strong skills in both SQL and noSQL databases (MySQL / Redis / MongoDB). 7. Strong passion for blockchain and the ability to proactively learn new technologies. 8. Capable of dissecting complex problems and proposing viable technical solutions. [Preferred Qualifcations] 1. Familiarity with Docker and Kubernetes 2. Understanding of different Ethereum Layer 2 operation principles (ZK Rollup, Optimistic Rollup, Side-chain) 3. Knowledge of Blockchain Smart Contract development. 4. Hands-on experience in cloud computing, AWS preferred [Interview Process] 1. Online live-coding interview (30 - 40 minutes) 2. On-site technical interview (approximately 2-3 hours) 3. On-site HR interview (approximately 30 minutes)



