【NP】Blockchain Engneer 區塊鏈工程師

薪資範圍:800,000 ~ 1,200,000 TWD / month

公司名稱: 昕擎人力資源有限公司

1. Architect, develop, security test, and deploy smart contract projects

2. Design and optimize protocol layer performance and security features

3. Operate and develop blockchain nodes and node APIs

4. Research the latest blockchain and smart contract technologies and their application development

1. Proficiency in Solidity for smart contract development

2. Experience in deploying smart contract applications

3. Experience with blockchain data crawling

4. Familiarity with mainstream blockchain technologies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Layer2, including their underlying mechanisms


1. Ability to optimize contract execution, design complex contract architectures, and interactions independently

2. Understanding of common smart contract vulnerabilities and the ability to write secure smart contracts

3. Proficiency in Ethereum DApp development frameworks and tools like Truffle, Hardhat, Remix, web3.js

4. Proficiency in one or more of the following development languages: Java, Golang, Python, Node.js, Rust




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