資深後端工程師 Senior Backend Developer
薪資範圍:75,000 ~ 95,000 TWD / month
- Design, develop, and maintain the backend components to support our web app and IoT devices.
- Participate in the software development lifecycle including planning, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
- Optimize cloud instance resource utilization and troubleshoot issues to improve performance and availability.
- Take part in code review and testing procedures to help build a robust system.
- Provide technical support to other teams, including helping troubleshooting and debugging as needed.
- Set clear and measurable goals and objectives, and track progress towards achieving them efficiently.
Technical skills:· Experience with one or more programming language, such as Python, Java, Go
· Experience in writing and executing unit test, integration test
· Experience in designing and maintaining server architecture
· Knowledge of database technologies, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB
· Knowledge of cloud principles and network architecture
Soft skills
· Have ownership and able to work independently, solve problems with initiative
· Have good communication and collaboration skills
理立系統是智慧交通解決方案的領導者,於2009年在美國加州矽谷成立,創辦人擁有豐富的無線網路跟安控系統的市場專業經驗,自創立以來,已為北美70%以上的一級鐵道公司提供軟硬體整合服務,讓鐵道公司能符合美國聯邦政府制定的「主動式列車控制系統 (Positive Train Control)」鐵路安全規範。近年來,理立系統將在鐵道產業累積的安控專業應用在其他運輸工具上,提供穩定不間斷的無線網路 (reliable wireless connectivity)、邊緣運算 (edge computing) 以及雲端管理平台 (cloud-based management platform),協助交通業者打造更安全、連網、便利、高效率的運輸服務。舊金山到矽谷間各大企業的員工接駁車,多已搭載理立系統的乘客上網服務 (passenger Wi-Fi services),員工於通勤時能與公司內網連線並進行流暢的視訊會議,幫助企業增加員工生產力。美國第五大的私人客運業者則配備了理立系統的 SafeRide™ 遠端監控系統 (video-based safety systems),提升乘客和司機的安全,也讓業者在遇到交通事故時,有效提供影像證據以釐清事故責任,降低營運風險。理立系統如今更跨足自駕車的領域,在美國跟台灣積極研發、測試自動駕駛系統,用最高規格的安全標準,打造舒適又智慧的無人巴士,與政府單位合作推廣自駕大眾運輸系統,領航智慧交通新未來。-2025-01-14