Server Engineer/伺服器工程師
加入Red Pill成為團隊的伺服器工程師,你將負責為Red Pill Live技術,打造以Javascript主導之次世代遠程平台。於後端你將使用到Python, PHP and MySQL,並使用web-based前台工具服務我們的客戶。若行有餘力,我們也可一起合作開發你理想中的產品。
* Architectonic a solution and delivering a working prototype and the final product to support Red Pill Lab's live streaming protocol.
* Design and develop user account management server and frontend.
* Design and develop time scheduling and booking backend and frontend system.
* Work with partners, proposing solutions and customizing existing code.
* Experience building highly available, scalable cloud applications, including servers and database layers.* Experience with third party Cloud Services and APIs (AWS, GCP, Alibaba Cloud)
* Knowledge of the latest technologies used in building system software and applications in cloud and web-based frontend.
* Ability to investigate and integrate third party software and extend them to provide custom solutions.
* Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
* Excellent communication skills in English and Mandarin Chinese combined with the ability to work in a team environment.
* Familiarity with real-time video streaming protocols such as WebRtc and RTMP is a plus.
Red Pill Lab由來自計算器圖學、AI電腦視覺與連續創業家背景之三位創辦人所組成,自成立以來,致力運用動作捕捉結合深度學習技術,優化即時角色動畫與生產流程,解決現有3D虛擬角色動畫製作費時、費力與高成本問題。Red Pill Lab 除了是在 2017 香港 RISE 舞台上唯一 Pitch 的 AR/VR 團隊以外,我們也是 HTC Vive X近年來極少數投資於台灣之項目。成立短短一年之中,我們已將 AI 運用至 Red Pill Live 使之成為全世界第一個虛擬角色互動直播平台。藉由獨立開發之Red Pill Studio,我們則已累積了大量來自於中國.台灣.日本.韓國.美國等來自不同產業如媒體.廣告.教育及旅遊之合作客戶。-2025-03-04