品牌視覺設計師 Brand Visual Designer


公司名稱: 寶捷實業有限公司

此職位將負責丹麥益生菌和瑞士擠乳器品牌的形象設計及市場推廣。 我們正在尋找創新且充滿熱情的設計師加入我們的團隊!歡迎符合條件的求職者提供您的簡歷和作品集! 具備工作能力: 1. 擁有豐富多元風格的品牌設計、平面設計、包裝設計,相關設計經驗 2. 熟練使用Adobe Creative Suite(Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign... etc) 3. 善於溝通協調、細心、有責任感及團隊合作能力 職責: 1. 商品圖片優化設計 2. 品牌平面設計: 文宣、海報、DM製作 3. 官網設計: 常態優化與檔期活動視覺設計與編排 4. 行銷素材設計: BANNER、EDM、數位廣告、social media圖設計 5. 包裝設計與印刷管理 6. 部門支援: 協助內部其他部分相關設計需求 加分條件: 1.UIUX能力 2.展場設計能力 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the Role: This position will be responsible for the visual design and marketing promotion of the Danish probiotic and Swiss breast pump brands. We are looking for an innovative and passionate designer to join our team! Qualified candidates are welcome to submit their resumes and portfolios. Required Skills: 1. Extensive experience in brand design, graphic design, and packaging design, with a diverse style portfolio. 2. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.). 3. Strong communication and coordination skills, attention to detail, responsibility, & teamwork ability. Responsibilities: 1. Product Image Optimization Design 2. Brand Print Design: Brochures, Posters, DM Design 3. Website Design: Regular Optimization and Visual Design for Promotional Campaigns 4. Marketing Material Design: Banners, EDM, Digital Ads, Social Media Graphics 5. Packaging Design and Print Management 6. Department Support: Assist with design needs of other internal departments Preferred Qualifications: 1. UI/UX skills 2. Exhibition design experience



