Senior Backend Engineer-Magento

薪資範圍:55,000 ~ 100,000 TWD / month

公司名稱: TVBS聯利媒體股份有限公司

Job Description

Design and build applications to meet business and application requirements. Work with different kinds of platforms and technologies such as PHP, REST/API services, graphQL, Cloud (AWS or GCP) and CI/CD, Should be able to take care of optimizing website and performance. All code should comply with industry leading standards.

Key Responsibilities

  • Demonstrated ability to understand the technical documentation and requirements (Most of docs would be in Mandarin) translate into working code.
  • Develop an E-commerce application based on Magento.
  • Deliver solutions with quality.
  • Documenting the solutions and knowledge sharing within the team.
  • Design and build RESTful API’s.
  • Guiding the Junior members of the team.

Requirements [Must have]

  • 4 year bachelor degree (Computer Science or relational functional field) and/or equivalent combination of education or work experience.
  • 3+ years of experience developing applications in Magento e-commerce.
  • Solid understanding of PHP or other similar backend programming language features.
  • Experience in RDBMS preferably MySQL.
  • Should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Solid understanding of Magento commerce architecture.
  • Expertise in Magento is required and should have experience in implementing supporting Magento B2C, B2B applications.
  • Knowledge on software architecture and development process.

Experience in these skills is a plus

  • Experience in cloud application design. Familiar with AWS EC2, ELB, RDS, CloudWatch, S3, CloudFront, EKS and other services.
  • Good to have knowledge on container technology and cluster management tools (Docker, Kubernetes or AWS ECS).
  • Familiar with latest frontend libraries and frameworks such as ReactJS, Angular , VueJS and NextJS.
  • Experience in TDD, BDD or ATDD.
  • Experience in Magento 2.0
  • Good to have knowledge on ElasticSearch and GraphQL.
  • Familiar with Jira or other project management tools.
  • Good to have SEO knowledge.




定位品牌為「科技媒體」,從強化內容出發,輻射出各種經紀、電視、網路節目、電商等業務,創造出最頂尖品牌。我們正在「世界翻轉中」TVBS是台灣第一個衛星電視頻道,1993年9月28日正式發聲,我們的出現,結束了由無線三台壟斷數十年的局面,帶領台灣進入一個多元自由、百家爭鳴的融媒體新時代!我們是「看板人物」1.探索真相,發揮影響力關心每天世界上發生的大小事件,透過專業、生動的文字與畫面,帶領觀眾探索真相。2.匯聚新知,話題不冷場提供最新最夯的話題,橫跨電視與網路,打造24小時不冷場的話題新平台。3.散播歡樂,舒展身心靈用歡樂幫觀眾做心靈馬殺雞,趕走煩悶,散播愉快好心情。4.領先技術,媒體新視界從衛星到網路,從類比到HD,從電視到手機,搶先業界求新求變,持續呈現最高品質。5.點燃創意,碰撞新火花燃燒腦力,打造創意好點子,源源不斷的新想法,就是我們每天的活力來源。6.串連資源,服務最即時串起緊密連結,成為前線同仁堅強的後盾。我們重視的「T觀點」真實Truth、信賴Trust、科技Technology「持續運用最領先的科技、提供最真實的資訊,成為最受信賴的品牌」我們要「一步一腳印 發現新台灣」We Lead The Market 與時俱進,以最新科技與專業維持媒體領導品牌的地位We Are The Consciousness Of The Society 導正台灣媒體生態,真實公正報導,堅守社會教育者的良知良能We Care About This Land And The People Live On It 善用媒體資源,善盡社會責任,關懷生態文明與永續發展我們的「十點不一樣」立足亞洲市場,運用全球思維,延伸媒體觸角。以多角佈局,結合旗下IP品牌,打造兼具新聞報導、影視娛樂、電商通路、演藝經紀和生技產品等於一身的全方位媒體。-2024-09-17