
薪資範圍:NT$ 900,000 - 1,300,000 (年薪)

公司名稱: 華南商業銀行股份有限公司

2+ years of experience in designing and developing web applications. Ability to take ownership of product requirements and drive them to delivery. Experience in building RESTful services with either Python (Django/Flask/FastAPI) or Go. Experience in relational databases (PostgreSQL/MySQL). Experience in system troubleshooting and performance optimization. 漸強實驗室的主要產品是 SaaS 平台 Messaging Analytics&Automation Cloud (MAAC),以及 Conversation Analytics and Automation Cloud (CAAC),為目前業界領先的 MarTech 解決方案。這兩項產品服務的企業客戶,包含數百家不同產業的知名跨國企業。在漸強你所開發的功能會真正影響到人們,在生活中也常常發現自己開發的功能正在被店家所使用。 身為漸強工程團隊的一員,你會參與完整的產品開發週期,不只是交付需求,更可以提供你的想法,來影響產品走向,幫助產品成長。團隊成員都樂於分享且對技術非常有熱誠,主動學習追求各種新技術,每週都有工程討論會議,討論與分享技術大小事。我們擁抱非同步溝通,致力減少不必要的會議並尊重工程師的心流時間。自由透明的文化,可以自己安排工作時間,不受限制的假日天數,最重要的是,漸強追求彈性以及高效的工作環境。 目前我們的後台每月發送近 5 億則個人化的訊息 並且與 2千多萬名的使用者互動,每日處理數 TB級 的數據來做分析以及 AI 應用。身為一位後端工程師,在這裡你會學習到如何處理百萬的流量,持續優化、建置彈性可靠的後端系統,並且有機會帶領小隊打造產品功能。你也將一起型塑工程團隊的文化、優化工作流程以及跨團隊合作方式,這會非常有趣且充滿挑戰,期待你的加入! What You’ll do Work closely with product managers and designers to transform ideas into successful product outcomes. Collaborate with other engineers and take ownership to deliver solutions from product requirements. Deliver high-quality, reusable, and maintainable solutions using engineering best practices. Optimize applications for maximum performance and maintainability. Join a positive engineering culture; learn and share with other members.


台灣 臺北市


Experience with designing and building large-scale distributed systems. Experience in CI/CD pipelines, such as ArgoCD, Github Action, Jenkins, etc. Experience in messaging systems, such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, Pub/Sub, SQS, etc. Experience with any public cloud (GCP, AWS, Azure), or Kubernetes. Contributions to open-source projects or participant in technical communities -2024-09-17