【新鮮人月薪 13 萬起】人才培訓計劃:Backend Engineer

薪資範圍:130,000+ TWD / month

公司名稱: MixerBox

此培訓計劃歡迎對於 Backend 開發有高度興趣及熱忱,但苦無機會深入接觸及了解的大學/研究所畢業及屆退者申請。公司將提供具備豐富實戰經驗的 1-on-1 mentoring,依個人進度隨時給予詳細進階教學與指導,協助建立良好開發觀念,逐步成為具備獨當一面開發能力的 Backend 工程師。


  • Implement minimum viable product (MVP) agilely to assess market feasibility based on quantitative product analysis
  • Leverage AWS as well as external services to extend/implement flexible, scalable, and sustainable backend systems for mobile application within the time constraint
  • Design, improve and maintain internal systems to facilitate content/marketing team's day-to-day work

  • 大學/研究所畢業資工/電機/資管相關科系佳
  • CS 基礎知識扎實(資料結構、演算法⋯⋯等)
  • 良好程式撰寫能力
  • 良好溝通表達能力及團隊合作技巧
  • BS / MS degree, CS / EE major preferred
  • Concrete knowledge of algorithm and data structure design
  • Exceptional skills in programmingDecent communication skills


Experienced with any of the following:

  • PHP development using composer
  • NoSQL database (MongoDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Redis, etc.)
  • Microservice implementation
  • 3rd party API or data sources integration
  • Near-realtime analytical big data architecture design
  • VM performance optimization and management




    請參考 MixerBox 工程師技術面試 Tips:http://bit.ly/2Xlp8ni-2024-09-17