- IoT and Home Security Products software.
- Use C language on RTOS/embedded linux platform to connect cloud and develop the AI related video applicatio on IoT and Home security product.
- Programming experience in C/C++ with Debugging Experience
- Embedded Linux programming skill is a must
- RTOS programming skill is a plus
- At least 5+ years of working experience in embedded system software development
- IP camera product experience is preferred
- Cloud Experience is Preferred. AWS,Alibabacloud,webRTCmqtt,KVS..etc
- Video related experience is preferred.(H.264,AAC,RTP,RTMP,RTSP...)
- Android App or iOS app develop experienced is a plus
Altek Corporation was established in 1996, with corporate executive officer Alex Hsia joining force with renowned corporation and major bank. From day one, Altek strived to achieve excellence in the R&D and manufacture of digital camera. At one point, Altek Corporation became one of the world’s top DSC ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) of the world. In the recent years, Altek expanded into the smartphone imaging, medical Imaging, autotronic Imaging, and other new businesses. Over the years, Altek demonstrated its ability as an entrepreneur solution provider for various imaging technologies, as to fulfill its corporate motto: “To deliver innovated imaging solution to help people for a better life.” Year 2013 is the year of transformation for Altek corporation, where businesses in emerging new technologies have achieved fifty-percent of total corporate earnings.--1996年,夏汝文總經理結合國內知名企業集團與知名銀行,在台灣成立了華晶科技股份有限公司。草創之初,華晶科技專注於數位相機(DSC)產品的研發與製造,經過十餘年的戮力經營與發展,一度成為全球最大數位相機設計與製造大廠。近年,華晶科技更陸續投入手機影像市場、汽車工業、醫療電子以及其他數位影像的新興應用市場,致力提供創新且多元的影像解決方案,使人們不僅能擁有美好回憶,也能擁有美好的生活。2013年,是華晶科技的轉型元年,在新興數位影像應用市場的營收比重已達50%以上。華晶科技是數位影像的專家,將不斷地自我超越,於數位相機、手機影像市場、汽車工業、以及醫療電子各領域,亦將持續提供專業影像解決方案,為人們帶來更美好的生活。未來,華晶科技將藉由創新的產品思惟,把數位影像與多元的應用結合,成為更使用者導向、更趨勢導向的數位影像解決方案供應商。過去十餘年來,華晶科技已經成功站上全球數位相機一線大廠之列。而接下來,華晶科技與集團子公司將憑藉著在數位影像上的專業能力,跨入更多元的領域,繼續致力於造福人群的技術與產品,並為股東、為社會創造更大的價值。-2025-03-04