Customer Support Engineer 客戶支援工程師

薪資範圍:700,000 ~ 1,000,000 TWD / year

公司名稱: 奧義智慧科技股份有限公司

  1. 1.Proactive in high service quality, mitigation partner and customer in products testing and troubleshooting.
  2. Introduction, demonstration, training, and promotion of products to either existing customers and partners or new potential guests.
  3. Communicate with the PM, handle customer issues, and conduct basic product training for the sales team.
  4. To carry out preliminary mitigation suggestions on immediate attack events and do an escalation and inform the other team if necessary.
  5. Handle the product issues from customers and partners, and assist them in solving product related technical issues.
  6. Write technical documents for customer and partner training, such as the console handbook, routine operational handbook, troubleshooting process docs, etc.
  1. High EQ, Good communication skills, detail-oriented, and well-organized.
  2. High self-discipline in follow-up on jobs.
  3. Possess a proactive character
  4. Good at IT technology and cybersecurity know-how with a growth mindset.
  5. Familiarity with cybersecurity products and features if knowing the EDR-related products will be better.
  6. Those with cybersecurity diagnosis or isolation analysis ability are given priority.
  7. 具有網絡安全診斷或隔離分析能力者優先錄取。




奧義智慧科技 (CyCraft Technology) 是一家專注於 AI 自動化技術的資安科技公司,研發自動化威脅曝險管理平台「XCockpit」,整合「端點偵測與回應」、「身份攻擊面管理」、「外部攻擊面管理」三大防禦構面,提供一站式的全方位自動化資安防護。奧義智慧成立於 2017 年。總部設於台灣,在日本與新加坡均設有子公司。結合團隊多年來處理資安事件調查之深厚經驗以及針對人工智慧技術之深入研究,將 AI 與機器學習技術應用在資安實務工作中,持續為全球各地的政府機關、銀行和高科技製造產業提供專業資安服務。從「創新 AI 技術、賦能企業資安」出發,奧義智慧曾獲得國際頂尖研究機構 Gartner、IDC、Frost & Sullivan 以及海內外大獎的多次肯定。同時也是多個跨國資安組織和臺灣資安社群的成員和合作夥伴,長年致力於資安產業的發展。CyCraft Technology is a cybersecurity company specializing in autonomous AI technology. CyCraft has developed the autonomous threat exposure management platform "XCockpit," which integrates three key components: Endpoint Security Posture Management, Identity Attack Surface Management (IASM), and External Attack Surface Management (EASM), providing a one-stop solution for comprehensive and autonomous cybersecurity protection.CyCraft integrates AI and machine learning into practical applications, delivering professional cybersecurity services to government agencies, financial sectors, and high-tech manufacturers worldwide. CyCraft has received multiple recognitions from leading research organizations such as Gartner, IDC, and Frost & Sullivan, along with numerous awards locally and internationally.【全球據點】台北總部 (板橋遠東通信園區)、日本東京、新加坡【國際通路】日本、新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞 、菲律賓、印尼、越南等【獲獎肯定】●美國 MITRE ATT&CK 2019 評測最佳偵測告警能力●日本 Interop Tokyo 2020 評鑑資安類最大賞●科技部 2019 年臺灣 10 家最酷科技新創●國際 ISO27001:2013 資安標準認證●國際 FIRST 資安組織認證企業會員●國際 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards 2020 資安卓越獎共 28 個獎項●加入國際資安應變組織 FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams)●榮獲 HR Asia《Best Companies to Work For in Asia 2023》●成為臺灣新創領導品牌《NEXT BIG》●榮獲 104 人力銀行雇主品牌大賞《最佳雇主品牌獎》●榮獲《台灣 AI 大賞》●榮獲《資安精品獎》-2025-03-04