【Based in TW】】Sr. DevOps Engineer 資深維運工程師

薪資範圍:1,300,000 ~ 2,000,000 TWD / year

公司名稱: 漸強實驗室 Crescendo Lab Ltd.

Job Description

漸強實驗室的主要產品是 SaaS 平台 Messaging Analytics and Automation Cloud (MAAC),以及 Conversation Analytics and Automation Cloud (CAAC),為目前業界領先的 MarTech 解決方案。這兩項產品服務的企業客戶,包含數百家不同產業的知名跨國企業。在漸強你所開發的功能會真正影響到人們,在生活中也常常發現自己開發的功能正在被店家所使用。



目前我們的後台每月發送近 5 億則個人化的訊息並且與 2 千多萬名的使用者互動,每日處理數 TB 級的數據來做分析以及 AI 應用。身為 DevOps engineer,你需要持續優化、建置彈性可靠且安全的基礎設施,完善我們的監控、告警系統以及部屬流程,導入 best practice 提昇團隊效率。你也將一起型塑工程團隊的文化、優化工作流程以及跨團隊合作方式,這會非常有趣且充滿挑戰,期待你的加入!

What You’ll impact

  • Manage our cloud infrastructure to ensure our systems remain scalable, reliable, and resilient, supporting the rapid growth of our business.
  • Improve and manage our monitoring and alerting systems, providing accurate system insights to reduce downtime and faster incident responses.
  • Develop our automation workflows, e.g., CICD, IaC, and custom tools to boost team efficiency, and accelerate product delivery cycles.
  • Drive best practices to improve system reliability, security, and engineering efficiency.
  • Participate in our security/compliance process to safeguard our data and systems.
  • Diagnose and resolve technical issues, contributing to a smoother user experience and more stable product operations.


  • 4+ years of hands-on experience with cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure) and Kubernetes clusters.
  • Familiar with CI/CD processes (Github Action, ArgoCD, Jenkins, etc)
  • Familiar with monitoring stacks (Prometheus, Grafana, GCP cloud monitoring tools, Datadog, etc)
  • Familiar with deploying infrastructure using IaC tools (Terraform, Pulumi, etc)
  • Familiar with reverse proxy services (Nginx, Cloudflare, Istio, Traefik, etc)
  • Familiar with system troubleshooting and performance optimization.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience in database management, e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • Experience in setting up production infrastructure (cloud resource provision, k8s cluster) from scratch.
  • Experience in implementing security best practices in the platform layer.
  • Experience in leadership

Our Tech Stack

  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Kubernetes
  • Github Action
  • ArgoCD
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • DataDog
  • Terraform
  • Go
  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • RabbitMQ




Kindly submit the application via the link:https://cresclab.teamdoor.io/s/CfO7WjIGThank you!-2024-09-17