Android Camera Engineer_RSBU SWRD
薪資範圍:900,000 ~ 1,200,000 TWD / year
-成為team player,能夠獨立開發也能夠與加入團隊合作;
1. 進行Android產品開發、系統整合及客製化專案研發
2. Android Enterprise相關之解決方案開發、使用情境規劃與實作
3. IoT, AI, AR等新技術於Android企業領域之應用整合與後端服務建構
4. 熟稔Android系統架構,至少具備兩種以下領域開發除錯經驗/能力:
1) Camera Module Bringup
2) Camera Quality Tuning
3) Android Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) development
4) Android Camera Frameworks development
5) Android Camera Apps development
6) Qualcomm Platform development
Programming language: C/C++/C#, JAVA, Kotlin, Python, Golang, shell scripts
Tools: ADB, Repo/Git, compilers, makefile, shell scripts, etc.
Getac was established in 1989 as a joint venture with GE Aerospace to supply defense electronic products. Getac is one of the key subsidiaries of MiTAC-Synnex Business Group.As one of the leading rugged computer manufacturers, Getac offers not only rugged computing products but also automotive mechanical parts and aerospace fasteners.神基科技成立於 1989 年,由聯華神通關係企業神通電腦(MiTAC Inc.)與美國奇異航太部門(GE Aerospace)共同合資成立,專門提供國防電子相關設備。經過二十餘年的耕耘,神基科技的事業版圖從3C電子產業橫跨到汽車零組件及航太扣件產業,並且發展成為全球第二大之攜帶式強固型電腦製造商和品牌商。-2025-01-14