JAVA engineer

薪資範圍:50,000 ~ 60,000 TWD / month

公司名稱: 欣創科技有限公司

1. 負責Java程式開發與設計

2. 負責專案開發與維護

3. 具備3年以上Java開發經驗

4. 瞭解並有使用過 Spring/Hibernate/Mybatis/SpringMVC/SpringBoot/Spring Cloud等 Frameworks

5. 掌握前端開發技術(JavaScript/JQuery/Angular/Vue.js/React.js 等)

6. 良好的溝通與表達能力,同時致力於團隊協同工作

「欣」欣向榮 「創」意無限 自主鞭策發揮潛力 協同激勵獲得成就 扁平組織提昇效率 歡迎跟我們有一樣理念的工程師加入我們團隊 期望讓每位夥伴都能享受工作、樂在生活


If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above every single one's success. You can overcome anything, if and only if you love something enough. Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. Dream and achieve at the same time. Welcome to join us and we will enjoy the work and the life as a team together.


台灣臺北市松山區敦化北路207號9 樓 之 4

