【IT】RD_軟體後端工程師 (Backend Developer)


公司名稱: 科林儀器股份有限公司

關於公司 科林創立於1986年,現已發展為集團的規模,涵蓋B2B和B2C的營運模式,我們致力於鑽研與創新,提供跨越眼科、聽力、睡眠及營養保健等多元領域的綜合性醫療解決方案。我們不斷拓展科技知識與技術的邊界,旨在超越當前醫療保健的局限,創造顯著且永續的價值。深入理解病患的真正需求並提供有效的解決方案進而塑造卓越的健康和生活品質。我們的願景為成為亞太地區引領科技研發的醫療照護公司,通過不斷創新、整合和擴展服務範圍,為更多人和地區提供先進且值得信賴的健康照護。 我們的價值觀: • 誠信與尊重 • 創新與持續優化 • 品質承諾與客戶導向 • 合作與人才發展 • 社會責任與永續發展 為何開設此職位 這個角色對於我們提供全面的聽覺和視覺保健服務的使命至關重要。我們致力於幫助人們看得清晰、聽得幸福,從而提高他們的生活質量。作為後端工程師,您將負責開發和維護我們的內部系統,以提升運營效率和客戶服務。 成功的關鍵 在這個角色中,成功的關鍵在於您能與前端團隊合作,開發可靠且可擴展的後端系統,並整合異質系統的數據。您在Node.js、TypeScript 和SQL 方面的技術將至關重要。 成長機會 您將有機會接觸先進技術,參加培訓和發展計劃,並承擔越來越多的責任。您的貢獻將直接影響我們項目的成功和公司整體的成長。 您將做的事 • 開發和維護集團自主研發系統的後端功能,包括但不限於門店管理系統、診所管理系統和BI API。 • 整合異質系統數據。 • 與前端團隊協同開發。 About the Company & the Team Clinico was founded in 1986 and has now developed into a group that encompasses both B2B and B2C operational models. We are dedicated to research and innovation, providing comprehensive medical solutions across various fields, including ophthalmology, otology, polysomnography and nutritional health. We continuously push the boundaries of technological knowledge and expertise, aiming to transcend the limitations of current healthcare and create significant and sustainable value. By deeply understanding the true needs of patients and offering effective solutions, we strive to shape excellent health and quality of life. Our vision is to become a leading healthcare company in the Asia-Pacific region, pioneering technological research and development. Through continuous innovation, integration, and service expansion, we aim to provide advanced and trustworthy healthcare to more people and regions. Our values: • Integrity and Respect • Innovation and Continuous Improvement • Quality Commitment and Customer Orientation • Collaboration and Talent Development • Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Why We Have This Role This role is essential to our mission of providing comprehensive auditory and visual healthcare services. We aim to support people in seeing clearly and hearing happily, thereby improving their quality of life. As a back end engineer, you will be developing and maintaining our in-house systems to enhance our operational efficiency and customer service. How You'll Find Success Success in this role will come from your ability to collaborate with the frontend team, develop reliable and scalable backend systems, and integrate data from heterogeneous systems. Your technical skills in Node.js, TypeScript, and SQL will be crucial. How You Grow You'll have opportunities to work with advanced technologies, participate in training and development programs, and take on increasing responsibilities. Your contributions will directly impact the success of our projects and the overall growth of the company. Things You Will Do • Develop and maintain back end functions for in-house systems, including but not limited to store management systems, clinic management systems, and BI APIs. • Integrate data from heterogeneous systems. • Collaborate with the front end team for seamless development. [面試流程] 1. 電話聯絡: • 由 HR 專員電話聯絡 • 簡單介紹職缺內容並詢問面試意願 • 與您約定線上或現場面試時間 2. 電話面試: • 由用人主管致電給您 • 詢問您過往的技術以技術應用在哪些方面 • 較為詳細介紹職缺內容 3. 作業測驗 4. 作業完成後,線上或現場面試: • 由部門主管與工程師一同參與 • 介紹公司福利制度與部門團隊及詳細說明職缺內容 • 聊聊您過往的工作經驗 • 針對技術做內容討論




我們希望在您的履歷上看到 • 熟悉Node.js 和TypeScript • 使用過任一後端框架(Express、Koa、Nestjs 等)。 • 熟悉SQL 和使用過任一關聯式資料庫(MySQL、PostgreSQL、MSSQL、Oracle)。 • 熟悉Git 和網路概念(TCP/IP、DNS 等)。 • 能撰寫可讀性高、可測試的程式碼。 加分技能 • 熟悉其他任一後端語言(Python、Java、C#等)。 • 使用過任一NoSQL 資料庫(MongoDB、Redis 等)。 • 使用過AWS 或GCP 雲服務。 其他條件 • 面試時可攜帶作品集或線上作品(尤佳)。 What We're Looking For on Your Resume • Proficiency in Node.js and TypeScript. • Experience with a backend framework (Express, Koa, Nestjs, etc.). • Proficiency in SQL and experience with a relational database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle). • Familiarity with Git and networking concepts (TCP/IP, DNS, etc.). • Ability to write readable and testable code. Bonus Skills • Proficiency in another backend language (Python, Java, C#, etc.). • Experience with a NoSQL database (MongoDB, Redis, etc.). • Experience with AWS or GCP cloud services. Other Requirements • Bringing a portfolio or online work samples to the interview is a plus.-2024-09-17