Senior Software Engineer (Backend)
1. Develop high performance and data intensive backend systems.
Minimum qualifications:
1. 5+ years experience in python or other scripting languages.
2. 5+ years experience in at least one static typed language.
3. Experience working with relational databases like MySQL.
4. Experience in developing clean and maintainable APIs.
5. Experience with cloud environments like AWS, Lambda, Serverless or Azure/GCP
Preferred Qualifications:
1. An expert in data modeling for relational databases.
2. Experience designing and implementing real time pipelines and microservices.
3. Experience scaling large databases and data intensive applications.
4. Experience with CI/CD technologies like terraform, GHA and docker … etc.
5. Experience with user authentication and authorization between multiple systems and servers.
6. Deep understanding of MySQL, Snowflake, ElasticSearch, Dynamo and other databases.
7. Expert in designing fault-tolerant systems.
HOMEE AI 透過空間智慧整合空間運算 (Spatial Computing) 與人工智慧 (Artificial Intelligence) ,獨家開發實時物體辨識與分類技術,運用數位孿生融合 VR/AR、SLAM 等技術,推出全球首創 3D AI 空間設計解決方案,旗下 AI 解決方案落地房地產、家居、室內設計等多元產業,致力推動空間產業數位轉型與升級。
HOMEE AI 使用技術包含使用數以萬計開源與閉源、生成式與非生成式的多種不同 AI 模型、數千種空間場景、數萬個商品的資料庫,整合類視覺神經及語言模型,產生真實空間尺寸與影像,一舉突破電腦視覺限制。
「The Brain for your space.」HOMEE AI 致力成為全球空間產業 (Spatial Industy) 的基礎架構 (infrastructure),放眼世界,改變人類與環境空間的互動形式,目標讓全球空間產業與用戶都能輕鬆打造空間,並協助產業數位轉型,大幅節省傳統流程與成本,推動未來發展。
「我們希望讓全世界每一個家庭、每一個人都能輕鬆設計打造出心目中的理想空間。」-HOMEE AI 創辦人暨執行長 杜宇威 Kenny