Wordpress Developer (Remote work)

薪資範圍:5,000,000 ~ 9,000,000 IDR / month

公司名稱: 禮品購 - 禮品客製

  1. Designing Themes & UI with best practices
  2. Designing and implementing new features and functionality
  3. Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture
  4. Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS
  5. Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin
  • Good understanding of front-end technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery
  • Experience building user interfaces for websites and/or web applications
  • Experience designing and developing responsive design websites
  • Strong understanding WPBakery Page Builder, Woocommerce
  • Comfortable working with debugging tools like Firebug, Chrome inspector, etc
  • Ability to understand CSS changes and their ramifications to ensure consistent style across platforms and browsers
  • Ability to convert comprehensive layout and wireframes into working HTML pages
  • Knowledge of how to interact with RESTful APIs and formats (JSON, XML)
  • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools
  • Strong understanding of PHP back-end development
  • Have a proven e-commerce website portfolio ( kindly enclosed in your CV )




禮品購 提供禮品客制化。由禮品設計到開發、採購、生產、質量檢測、物流及相關紀念品業務。禮品業務在台灣獲多個獎項及認証。在香港也獲獎抱括 商界展關懷, 家庭友善僱主, 環保卓越計劃,滙豐營商新動力,香港智營禮品設計大賞等認可。有自家檢測中心。至今已服務超過千間公司,為他們訂造紀念品及禮品作宣傳。“始終堅持以創新為產品的第一生命力”,禮品購 是一間集研發、設計、制作、銷售的香港禮品公司。本公司主力於企業禮品、贈品及紀念品定制、批發等服務。在國內更與多間大型的禮品廠商有長期的合作關系,我們為香港、澳門、台灣、新加坡及海外的客户提供優質的企業禮品及紀念品訂造服務。禮品紅以“專註品質”的企業經營理念,持續創新的研發精神,專心致力於提供更專業、更優質的企業產品及禮品配套服務。公司網站 : https://tw.sec.gifts客製化禮品-2024-09-17