Front-End Developer (UTO AI)


公司名稱: 街口電子支付股份有限公司 是街口集團旗下的新創AI事業,我們致力於打造全新AI驅動的社交App。 由一群頂尖的AI及軟體開發團隊所組成,我們正在積極尋找有熱情的夥伴一起加入團隊,我們的辦公室文化開放、年輕、敏捷,希望你能在最舒適的環境中,應用所學技能獲得真實開發經驗,一起打造最新潮、有趣的社交互動體驗。 [Responsibilities] 1. Design and implement frontend and mobile WebView applications for Web3 products such as crypto wallets, DeFi services, metaverse applications, etc. 2. Implement WebSocket communication with backend services, ensuring real-time data updates and transmission. 3. Collaborate with backend developers and UI/UX designers to integrate frontend components with backend systems. 4. Stay up-to-date with the latest frontend trends, technologies, and best practices. 5. Follow and implement best development practices, including code reviews, unit testing, and automated testing. [Requirements] 1. 2-3 years of frontend development experience, including at least 2 years of React development experience. 2. Proficient in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/TypeScript and ES6+ with a strong understanding of frontend development principles. 3. In-depth understanding of responsive design and compatibility across browsers, platforms, and devices. 4. Familiarity with frontend build tools (e.g., Vite, Webpack, Babel). 5. Familiarity with building customize components with Utility-First CSS (e.g. TailwindCSS) 6. Knowledge of UI/UX principles and ability to collaborate effectively with designers. 7. Excellent communication skills and ability to collaborate effectively with team members.



