Software Backend Engineer(Python)

薪資範圍:1,000,000 ~ 3,000,000 TWD / year

公司名稱: Botrista 百睿達有限公司

About Botrista:

Botrista leads the charge in transforming the food and beverage(F&B) industry with our expertise in automated beverages for foodservice operators. Specializing in cutting-edge automation products, we seamlessly integrate self-developed cloud-based IoT devices with an advanced cloud management platform, redefining the landscape of F&B industry.

Joining Botrista means being part of a collaborative environment that nurtures your software skills. By leveraging cloud-based big data and IoT technologies, we are not just redefining the food technology industry but also establishing an entirely new business model. Join us in shaping the complete AIoT ecosystem that is set to make a global impact in the food and beverage market!

  • Develop the high-efficient back-end system on IoT devices
  • Develop data collection and data processing system on IoT devices
  • Develop a smart error recognition system on IoT devices
  • Responsible for designing and implementing an effective system
Minimum Qualifications:
  • Bachelor or Master degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or equivalent experience
  • 3+ years of solid Python development experience and backend framework. e.g. Flask, Django
  • Sufficient knowledge on operating system and network architecture
  • Experience in any Unix-like Operating system
  • Experience in using git-related version control software
  • High willingness to study issues
  • Excellent skills of issue analysis and problem-solving
  • Excellent command of spoken and written English




《Botrista》Botrista(發音為 Bot-REES-tuh) 起源於兩個產業的結合:食品和自動化技術。Botrista成立於 2017 年,透過將軟體、韌體及硬體整合,研發出新世代的自動化飲品調理機器人,重新定義飲料產業的製作方式跟架構,成為餐飲科技領域的領導者。除了硬體設備外,自行開發的軟體系統,以IoT的方式蒐集銷售及庫存數據,不僅有精美的使用者介面設計,也可提供遠端系統維護及客製化菜單,不斷優化做到更進一步演算分析,搭建大數據資料庫,協助店家在飲品選擇與銷售上更具優勢。跳脫以往飲料產業的服務架構及製作方式,為店家提供完整自動化飲料的解決方案,包含調理配方、菜單研發及原物料供應鏈服務,讓店家可快速導入,並解決產業標準化後的瓶頸,及在疫情時代下店家的營運痛點。不再需要繁瑣的人事訓練及準備流程,將客製化跟標準化做到平衡,提供店家最佳出餐效率且高品質的新鮮飲品。另外我們也很重視食安及永續,機台皆通過食品安全認證(e.g. NSF)。公司於去年完成B輪募資,C輪募資也正如期進行中。團隊正在尋找積極正向、樂於學習、善於溝通、喜歡鑽研問題、擁抱改變的同仁,如果你想要從0到1,參與產品或系統從開發到上市,歡迎加入我們!更多資訊: