[知名Fintech] java Engineer 後端工程師 薪資優渥、工作環境好

薪資範圍:50,000 ~ 70,000 TWD / month

公司名稱: Conbiz Consulting Firm康彼斯顧問股份有限公司


  1. 參與功能模組的需求分析和設計。
  2. 參與技術選型,主導核心程式編寫、 能審視同事的代碼。
  3. 參與專案研發與其他團隊緊密配合。
  4. 參與軟體發展技術、規範、標準流程的改進.
  5. 系統架構規劃、軟體工程系統開發、軟體程式設計

1. 負責開發/維護銀行主要APP 

2. 與Scrum Team(包含PM、設計、Backend)共同努力完成每一張Backlog


    1. 具3年以上程式開發經驗(JAVA)

    2. 無金融背景可,但對金融產品有興趣

    3. 自我學習能加強,喜歡研究新技術

    4. 具團隊合作意識,能與成員協力合作,有Scrum經驗佳

    5. 樂觀進取、積極主動;敢於創新、挑戰不同

    6. 熟悉CI/CD自動化佈署工具(Team Foundation Server/Jenkins)為加分

    7. 有個人side project經驗為加分




Conbiz is a fast-growing recruiting firm specializing in RPO & Gaming industry, with a focus on placing every level talent in various positions.For job seekers, we guide them on their career paths, leading them to their next placement that ensures success for both the talent and the company. As a result, we have secured ourselves a solid foothold in the market, having delivered human capital solutions to perfectly meet the needs of our ever-expanding client base.Our vision at Conbiz is to bridge the gap between talent and businesses, to bring value with every placement we make, and to make a difference in the recruitment industry.To learn more about Conbiz, contact us at:[email protected]-2024-09-17