Sr. App Developer


公司名稱: ULTRON 奧創_薩摩亞商奧創物聯有限公司台灣分公司

[About this Role] 資深App開發者的使命是將應用程式轉化為自然且直觀的使用者體驗,使智慧生活在應用程式的功能架構中實現。你將有機會開發可讓人們與各種產品互動的應用程式,從而使我們的合作夥伴能夠為用戶提供更好的產品和服務。這有助於產業轉型並創造更多價值和服務。我們重視使用者體驗並致力於提供使用者友好的智慧功能。程式語言和工具會因時代與功能需求不斷迭代,因此持續學習的心態是必不可少的。 The mission of the Sr. App Developer is to translate applications into a natural and intuitive user experience, enabling the realization of a smart lifestyle within the APP's functional framework. You will have the opportunity to develop applications that enable people to interact with various products, resulting in our collaborative partners being able to provide better products and services to users. This helps industries transform and create more value and services. We value user experience and strive for user-friendly smart features. Programming languages and tools will continuously iterate due to the evolution of technology and functional requirements. Therefore, a mindset of continuous learning is essential. [About Responsibilities] - 開發高品質程式碼的跨平台應用程式,按計劃時間表進行完整應用程式的編程。 Develop cross-platform App with high-quality code to program complete applications on schedule. - 負責技術交付物並就前端相關的架構決策進行負責。 Be responsible for the technical deliverables and front-end related architectural decisions. - 與其他工程師、產品經理和利益相關者合作,為產品和用戶獲得最佳結果。 Collaborate with other engineers, PM and stakeholders to come up with the best outcomes for the product and its users. - 在發布前進行單元和整合測試,並提供測試報告。 Perform unit and integration testing with testing report before launch. - 評估現有應用程式,重新編程、更新和添加新功能。 Evaluate existing applications to reprogram, update and add new features. - 重視Clean code及Object-oriented design,能持續關注及優化程式碼 Pay attention to Clean code and Object-oriented design, and be able to continuously follow and optimize the program code. - 技術文件和手冊,準確呈現應用程式的設計和程式碼。 Develop technical documents and handbooks to accurately represent application design and code. [Essential Requirements] -熟悉原生開發程式:Swift/Objective-C or Java/Kotlin。 Familiar with native development programs:Swift/Objective-C or Java/Kotlin. -有使用跨平台開發應用程式的經驗。 Have experience in developing Apps using cross-platform engines. -熟悉Git且能靈活運用於日常開發工作 Familiar with Git and able to flexibly use it to daily development work. -具 Clean code、Refactoring、Design patterns and Object-oriented design相關知識。 knowledge of Clean code、Refactoring、Design patterns and Object-oriented design. [Nice to Have] -熟悉 Flutter及Dart。/ Familiar with Flutter and Dart. -API整合經驗。/ API integration experience. -全端經驗 / Have experience of Full -Stack -熟悉AWS/GCP雲端服務 / Familiar of AWS/GCP cloud platform. -熟悉敏捷開發和Scrum / Familiar with agile and Scrum. #App Developer #iOS Developer #Android Developer #Mobile Developer #Flutter




-3年以上App開發經驗 / 3+ years in a App development role. -有Flutter開發經驗加分 / Flutter development experience will be a plus. •解決問題的能力 / Problem-solving skills •持續學習的態度 / Attitude for continuous learning-2024-09-17