Mobile Developer (Flutter)


公司名稱: 綠樹科技股份有限公司

【TreeNet 綠樹科技】 我們是一群積極推動綠色能源發展的新創團隊 提供電動車充電站點建置及雲端軟體服務 我們邀請積極主動、熱情有活力、負責認真的市場開發人員 加入我們!加入我們!加入我們! 與我們一起走在時代前端,佈局廣大充電椿市場 【Who you are】 Since you're be the first and primary app developer, you'll be the main responsible person for handling everything that's related to our app. You're open minded to explore all possible solution and not just relying on existing solutions. You are ready to face every challenge and are ready to take them on (we'll back you up since we're a team) and not afraid of failures. You'll be rewarded with fulfillments to know that every EV owners love and enjoy the app you crafted. 【Responsibilities】 ● Conduct research and development of mobile applications using Flutter. ● Develop stable, maintainable, and scalable apps based on project requirements. ● Collaborate with designers to discuss and implement app UI/UX design, interface development, and functionality. ● Assist in evaluating product feature feasibility, planning program architecture, confirming development details, and providing timely suggestions. ● Continuously improve and optimize the product development process to enhance development capabilities, efficiency, and user experience. ● Collaborate with engineers to research technical practices, integrate RESTful APIs, and perform system integration. 【Skills】 ● Excel in independent Flutter development. ● Experience with RESTful API integration and error handling. ● Proficiency with native Android or iOS development. ● Knowledge of AppStore/GooglePlay submission processes. ● Familiarity with Flutter APIs and third-party frameworks (e.g., Dio, Freezed, Firebase). ● Experience with Firebase, Google Cloud, or AWS (preferred). ● Experience with Flutter automated testing and performance optimization (preferred).



