[線上面談] 雲端軟體APP工程師


公司名稱: 達擎股份有限公司

We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Cloud Software Platform APP Engineer to join our dynamic team. As a part of our team, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our cloud-based software applications, working closely with our team of experts across various domains. You will be responsible for the entire software development lifecycle, from planning and design to development and maintenance, ensuring that our applications align seamlessly with our company's expertise. 1. 根據公司各領域軟體加值專案,參與完整產品開發週期,包含規劃、設計、開發及維運 2. 根據專案需求,追蹤並確保產出設計與品質




1. Familiar with cross-browser development using React or Flutter Web 2. Familiar with cross-platform mobile development using React Native or Flutter 4. Experience in user behavior analysis and improvement is a plus 5. Experience in publishing apps on various platforms (iOS/Android) is a plus 6. Experience in software information security design and development is a plus 1. 熟悉使用 React 或 Flutter Web 實作跨瀏覽器開發 2. 熟悉使用 React Native 或 Flutter 實作跨平台行動裝置開發 3. 對畫面的美感及流程的設計有一定的專業度 (UI/UX) 4. 具使用者行為分析與改善經驗者佳 5. 具各平台APP (iOS/Android)上架經驗者佳 6. 具軟體資訊安全設計與開發者佳-2024-09-17