★內部招募★ 獵才招募顧問Recruitment Consultant


公司名稱: 香港商唐尼爾森人力資源有限公司台灣分公司

【公司簡介】 唐尼爾森Don Nelson 總部設在香港,我們已在台北、深圳設立服務據點,接下來計畫在澳洲設立服務據點,對我們而言,每個任務都絕不僅是追逐報告內的指標,「質量」才是我們的終極追求。我們相信,只有為企業和個人提供有用的幫助和增值解決方案,才能取得巨大的成功。我們的工作不僅僅是招聘,而是要做到最好。 這就是唐尼爾森(Don Nelson) 。 【工作內容】 1.負責人才管道來源開發(開發各類招募管道與管理) 2.負責招募中高階職缺 (包括: 篩選履歷/面談/面試安排與執行/議薪/報到) 3.開發具潛力的客戶,並於瞬息萬變的市場中尋找新的機會 4.專案的過程中促成客戶和人才的合作關係,並為雙方提供專業的建議 5.建立與客戶之前的密切關係,達成業績目標 6.人才維繫及關懷 • Manage recruitment process from candidate sourcing, initial interview to on-boarding • Deliver end-to-end recruitment procedure including business development of new clients & drive new opportunities in the fast-changing market • Facilitate in negotiations between the client and candidate within the whole hiring process • Provide professional advice on the recruitment market • Achieve business target of the company and develop relationship with clients and candidates




【我們期望你】 活潑外向,喜歡與陌生人溝通 積極主動,學習力強 對於招募以及業務性質工作有興趣 • Strong passion in Recruitment industry • Proven record in Recruitment, Sales or Client Services • Solid experience in 360 role and Business Development • Must be positive, energetic, independent and result-driven • Strong communication and negotiation skills is required • Less experience will be considered as Recruitment Consultant 【加分條件】 有獵才經驗者 乙級就業服務技術士的證照-2024-09-17