Deep Learning / Machine Learning Engineer / Scientist

薪資範圍:1,000,000 ~ 2,500,000 TWD / year

公司名稱: 銓鴻資訊有限公司

- We are looking for experienced Machine Learning/Deep Learning engineers. 
- This is a technical role, and it requires a high willingness to learn state-of-the-art AI techniques and a skill to apply AI techniques to business applications/processes.
- Participate in the engineering life-cycle, including writing production code, conducting code reviews and deploy machine learning solutions into production.
- You’re not just looking for a job, you’re looking for an innovative product where you can make a large impact
- Have a passion for and deep experience in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning.
- Thrive in an agile development process
- Look forward to joining a high caliber team of machine learning experts.

(1) This position requires a MS or PhD.
(2) This position involves a lot of personal interaction. Good verbal communication skills are required.
(3) Experience with Deep Learning Framework (Pytorch or Tensorflow) and Machine Learning.
(4) Experience with Deep Reinforcement Learning, RL, RNN, GAN, NLP…etc.
(5) Ability to read/comprehend state-of-the-art AI papers .

- Kaggle Competitions Master or Grandmaster.




我們是一間熱愛資料科學的金融科技(FinTech)公司。我們將人工智慧、統計學、經濟學、資訊視覺化等做結合,發掘市場運行規律。我們注重大家的健康,全體配有升降桌、人體工學椅。歡迎頂尖人才加入,我們求才若渴!我們正在找尋新的夥伴來和我們一起玩樂與學習成長。如果你(妳)有以下特質:是個懶人:希望以最小的力氣達成目標,甚至提升品質,懂得善用工具增加生產力,重構提煉自有的程式庫。有團隊精神:懂得協同合作提升整體效益,將團隊目標置於個人之前。充滿好奇心:喜歡接觸、學習新事物,發現各種創新的可能。熱愛程式:充滿熱情想改變世界,將巧思及創造力注入每一行程式碼。那便是那茫茫人海中,我們尋尋覓覓的新夥伴!誠摯歡迎你的加入! 一同共創美好未來 : )-2025-03-04