奧美顧客體驗 - Technology Consultant 科技顧問 / 數位發展與轉型顧問
▌誠摯歡迎這樣的你加入奧美 ◆ 優秀的簡報技巧和流利的英語能力。◆ 3年以上數位或IT解決方案諮詢顧問、技術交付和客戶服務經驗。 ◆ 強大的分析和解決問題能力。◆ 能夠有效溝通複雜概念。◆ 具備擷取客戶需求、流程規劃和提出解決方案的實務經驗。◆ 良好的利益相關者管理能力;經證實的自主性和團隊合作精神。◆ 對最新市場趨勢有深入了解並對技術保持好奇心。◆ 優秀的溝通、人際關係和建立關係的能力。◆ 自我驅動且能在壓力下和緊湊時程內工作。Qualifications· Bachelor's degree or above· Excellent presentation skills and fluency in English· 3+ years of working experience in digital or IT solution consulting, technology delivery and client servicing· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills· Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively· Practical experience in capturing client requirements, process mapping, and presenting solutions· Good stakeholder management skills; proven self-starter and team player· Solid understanding of the latest market trends and curiosity in technology· Excellent communication, interpersonal, and relationship-building skills· Self-motivated and able to work under pressure and on tight timelines「人」是奧美最重要的資產,我們持續打造一個多元共融、自由、且充滿創意氛圍的學習性組織,一同發展客戶品牌所需要的專業能力,提升對客戶銷售生意的影響及貢獻。▌你所在的 Experience 團隊Ogilvy Experience 數位體驗中心提供奧美集團所有品牌消費旅程上的完整解決方案,透過媒體、社群、CRM、體驗設計、 App 或 LINE 產品開發、數據平台建置到 MarTech 各式端點,設計出一條龍式的體驗諮詢服務,讓顧客能夠更緊密地感受到品牌想要傳達的理念。我們對數位和新科技充滿熱情。我們的目標是協助客戶開發動態解決方案,以應對業務需求、加速業務擴展,並提升用戶體驗。我們正在尋找一位科技顧問加入我們的奧美團隊。-作為科技顧問,您的角色將充滿活力,每天都會面臨新的機會和挑戰。您將與管理層、專案團隊和技術專家密切合作,為客戶開發客製化解決方案。▌你將在團隊中負責這些任務。 ◆ 分析客戶業務需求和挑戰,了解其需求領域。 ◆ 提供可行的商業方案以滿足客戶需求。◆ 定期與內部團隊和外部合作夥伴協作以提供解決方案。◆ 持續監控市場趨勢和最新數位發展。◆ 盡可能獲得新興技術的實踐經驗。Job Description:About UsWe are passionate about digital and new technologies. Our objective is to aid our clients in developing dynamic solutions to tackle business needs, scale business for acceleration, and make a difference with user experience. We're looking for a Technology Consultant to join our Ogilvy One team.Role OverviewAs a Technology Consultant, your role will be dynamic, with each day presenting new opportunities and challenges. You will work closely with management, project teams, and technology experts to develop customized solutions for our clients.Key Responsibilities· Analyze client business needs and challenges, understanding their areas of need· Provide viable business case solutions addressing client requirements· Collaborate regularly with internal teams and external partners to deliver solutions· Continuously monitor market trends and latest digital developments· Get hands-on experience with emerging technologies where possibleQualifications· Bachelor's degree or above· Excellent presentation skills and fluency in English· 3+ years of working experience in digital or IT solution consulting, technology delivery and client servicing· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills· Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively· Practical experience in capturing client requirements, process mapping, and presenting solutions· Good stakeholder management skills; proven self-starter and team player· Solid understanding of the latest market trends and curiosity in technology· Excellent communication, interpersonal, and relationship-building skills· Self-motivated and able to work under pressure and on tight timelinesPreferred Skills· Knowledge of media platforms (especially LINE), AI, marketing automation, and/or data analytics· Experience with agile methodologies and digital product developmentIf you're passionate about technology and ready to make a significant impact on our clients' businesses through innovative solutions, we encourage you to apply. Join us in shaping the future of digital innovations!公司地址:
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