[總部] Senior Backend Engineer_24308

薪資範圍:NT$ 800,000 - 1,100,000 (年薪)

公司名稱: Gamania 橘子集團

▍你需具有: 1.熟悉 Python 3 2.熟悉 Git Version Control and Git Flow 3. 使用過 AWS、GCP、Azure 任一雲計算 4. 能夠撰寫可重複使用與模組化的程式碼 5. 熟悉 RESTful API 設計 6. 熟悉內部與外部 API 串接 7. 熟悉 CI/CD 工具和開發流程 8. 熟悉 Mac / Linux 系統與環境操作指令 9. 熟悉使用 pytest 撰寫單元與整合測試 10. 熟悉 redis, cassandra 其中一種 NoSQL 11. 熟悉使用 Kubernetes 建立 Containerized applications 12. 了解常用的 design patterns 13. 了解 Scrum 開發流 14. 擁有良好的溝通協作能力 15. 能夠根據runtime log或system log分析程式錯誤的原因 我們是集團的策略長室團隊,目前正在積極尋找 Senior Backend Engineer 工程師 加入我們! Gamania Data Center is an expanding entity deploying a large scale of user data source to assist our organization in having better insights of our customers and applying cutting-edge machine learning techniques in developing next generation products. As the leading role in the Entertainment industry, we focus on data sources in various fields, including Gaming, E-Commerce, Mobile Payment and Media. We have devoted ourselves to build an integrated infrastructure of big data analysis, recommendation systems and other machine learning applications including but not limited to image search, colorization, image-to-text, text-to-image and style transfer . Now we are proud to present our service broadly applied to different kinds of data sources and the target market. ▍你將負責 1. 搜尋排序系統開發優化 2..Design and develop high-performance, high-fault-tolerant advertising system independently 3.開發公司內部系統和 RESTful API 4.整合異質系統、資料串接 5.資料庫 schema 建置與維護 6.設計高可用和高擴展, 高性能的後端架構


台灣 臺北市


▍加分條件: 熟悉 RESTful JSON API 設計 具備 Web API 的開發經驗 了解常用的 design patterns 熟悉至少一種 NoSQL 了解 Scrum 開發流 Docker or Other Container Kubernetes 使用過Elastic Search, Vespa 等搜尋排序系統 -2025-03-04