薪資範圍:1,000,000 ~ 2,000,000 TWD / year
關於 Ourbit:Ourbit 交易所(ourbit.com)是一個專注於迷因幣的加密貨幣交易所,致力於服務 Degen 社群。
🤝團隊: 創始團隊成員來自前5大交易所均為經驗豐富的行業專業人士。直接向業界資深專家和來自前五大交易所的高層學習,快速推動你的職業生涯,並在全球增長最快的市場中獲取內部知識。
1. 負責主鏈節點搭建
2. 負責與專案方及開發溝通,完成rpc等介面調試
3. 負責對線上業務測試
4. 負責配合其他人員完成節點維護的困難攻克
🌟What we look in you
1. 為人正直,誠實可靠,品行優良
2. 對區塊鏈技術有濃厚興趣、獨立思考能力,學習能力強,接受新事物能力強
3. 本科及以上學歷,電腦、軟體工程、數學或資訊科技相關專業;3年以上相關工作經驗
4. 熟悉linux系統/shell腳本/docker部署
5. 熟悉 Java、Golang、JavaScript、Rust、Node.js、Python 等至少一種主流程式語言
6. 有搭建ETH/BTC/EOS等節點的經驗
7. 具備以下背景或經驗之一者優先
– 熟悉主流開源區塊鏈系統細節設計
– 熟悉BFT、Paxos、Raft等一致性協議之一的細節
– 熟悉PoW,PoS 等區塊鏈共識演算法/協定細節
– 熟悉Bitcoin、Ethereum、EOS等交易細節
✅ 我們尋找的條件:
✨ 為什麼加入 Ourbit?
💡 創新文化:在快節奏的行業中使用尖端的交易技術工作。
🚀 職業成長:為有動力的人士提供快速晉升機會。
🤗 支持性團隊:加入一個致力於您成功的協作團隊。
🤝Recruitment Process 招聘流程
**Online Application ----- HR Reachout ---- Interviews ---- Offer ---- Onboard**
(The entire recruitment process takes about one to two weeks to complete)
Are you interested? Apply now and shape the future of trading with Ourbit Exchange!
✅ Apply (線上申請)
Ourbit is a cryptocurrency exchange focused on meme coins, dedicated to serving the Degen community. The team consists of seasoned industry professionals, including founding members from top-tier exchanges. The founder of the exchange is deeply involved in the Degen space and maintains close connections with teams like $BITCOIN and $MOG.
👀 Snapshot of Ourbit video
✨ Key Advantages:
- Lowest Fees Across All Platforms
- User-Friendly Trading Interface
- Exclusive Benefit: 50% Referral Cashback
💯Career Growth at Ourbit
- Exposure to Viral Crypto Assets: Gain mastery in explosive digital assets like memecoins through innovative, degen-centric offerings.
- Institutional Mentorship: Learn from industry veterans and ex-founders of top-tier exchanges.
- Grow Your Network: We have close relationships with projects like $MOTHER, $RETARDIO, $BITCOIN and many more.
- Hypergrowth Opportunities: Accelerate your career by spearheading expansion into rapidly emerging global crypto markets.
- Competitive Compensation: Up to $3500+ base salary PLUS commissions post-probation.
- Collaborative Culture - We have a lean, flat structure where everyone's opinion matters. Join our passionate team!