知名日系金融集團💰 揮別日商文化 x 豐沛年終 - 資安技術工程師 Cybersecurity Engineer - OW
公司名稱: Cake Recruitment Consulting
本公司為台灣領先的國際產險公司,隸屬於日本大型金融集團,擁有 穩健財務基礎 與 頂級信評等級 (twAAA),提供全方位保險商品,並積極推動 數位轉型與資安管理,確保客戶與企業資訊安全。
我們現誠徵 資安技術工程師 加入團隊,負責資安監控、事件應變與內部資安管理,強化企業資安防護!
✅ 隸屬知名日系金融集團,發展穩健,資安資源充足
✅ 年終獎金 4 個月以上 + 7 月紅利獎金
✅ NO殘業日 (週三不加班日),重視工作與生活平衡
✅ 海外研修機會,職涯發展國際化
🔹 資安監控與應變:負責 安全日誌分析、事件監控、異常行為偵測與通報
🔹 內部資安管理:推動 資安教育訓練、政策宣導,提高資安意識
🔹 資安合規與查核:執行 內部稽核、缺失追蹤與改善措施
🔹 國際資安溝通:作為 資安窗口,負責與日本母公司聯繫、報告資安狀況
🔹 支援主管交辦事項
✔ 2-3 年以上 資安或網路管理相關經驗
✔ 熟悉 資安事件分析、SOC 監控、資安風險評估
✔ 具 ISO 27001 主導稽核員 證照尤佳
✔ 熟悉 ISMS 資安管理系統,具 文件控管與專案管理 經驗者佳
- 豐沛薪資:年終獎金 4 個月 + 7 月紅利獎金
- 優於法規的假期:特休、黃金假、志工假,還有 鼓勵休假獎金
- Work-Life Balance:週三 NO殘業日 (不加班日)
- 職涯發展支持:碩士學費補助、專業證照獎勵、國際研修機會 (日本、英國、德國、新加坡)
- Buddy 文化:新人配對專屬 Buddy,降低適應期壓力
- 舒適辦公環境:總公司設有 膠囊咖啡機、氣泡水機、零食 Bar,每週五還享 專人按摩服務
▶︎ 聯繫人:資安獵才顧問 Owen Wu
▶︎ LINE: https://line.me/ti/p/ICjS8Jx0Dq
▶︎ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/owen-wu-1023a41a4/
🔥This is the Cake Recruitment Consulting official web page🔥
Cake Recruitment Consulting - Executive Search, Contracting, EoR/Payroll
We offer a full range of services, including Executive Search, Contracting, and EoR/Payroll, to meet all your recruitment needs.
Our Special Advantages and Differentiation:
- Professional Recruiter + Direct Sourcing - All consultants have industry experience. In addition to providing accurate talent search. E.g Identify relevant client’s competitors, and engage in comprehensive talent acquisition, building long-term relationships with candidates, and providing market information to clients.
- CakeResume AI + Martech Recruitment - By leveraging digital Martech technology and employer branding, the recruitment process is optimized. Through a database of millions of potential candidates who would not normally appear, the number of candidates reached is increased and speeds up the sourcing process to fill the talent gap.
About Cake Recruitment Consulting
Cake is the Leading Asia talent platform. With over millions+ active resumes in our database and still it is increasing every day.
Currently more than 7,000+ clients are using our recruitment services.
12F., No. 287, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan (R.O.C.)其他: