Product Certification Consultant 產品認證顧問


公司名稱: Zealogics Taiwan_美商邏輯技術有限公司台灣分公司

As part of your mission as an evaluator/product reviewer, you will be responsible for carrying out evaluations as part of the CE marking conformity assessment procedures in the field of semiconductor devices. You will be responsible for reviewing the design/technical documentation independently or as a team of evaluators for a range of semiconductor devices with the goal of verifying whether the devices meet the requirements of the relevant standards/regulation. The deliverable will be comprehensive review reports which either support or reject the manufacturer’s application for CE marking based on the evidence provided. Ultimately your work will determine whether a device has been demonstrated to be safe and effective, meets its intended use, and can be recommended for CE certification to the notified body. • Conduct CE type and CE design/product review evaluations in the framework of the applicable European Directives and Regulations (CE) for different device classes and for a wide range of semiconductor devices depending on the area of expertise. • Coordinate with other product reviewers/evaluators, clinical experts, process experts, technical experts, and the certification project managers to meet the review timelines, provide quality review reports and ensure the consistency of the information via the consolidation of the review/assessment. • Participate in standardization, technical, and/or regulatory workshops or speaking events. • Ensure active regulatory monitoring and communication within the team of new requirements identified in your specific areas of semiconductor device expertise. • Have pedagogical responsibility and the animation of training sessions or technical days. • Performs other duties and responsibilities as required or requested or delegated.



