醫材產品管理師 / Product manager in medical devices


公司名稱: 哥吉生技有限公司

哥吉生技專注於開發醣生物學技術以用於基礎研究與臨床應用。公司正在尋找具備專案管理、產品開發分析經驗之人才,協助IVD醫材產品開發管理,工作項目包括: 1.醫材產品開發評估,包含評估開發可行性、制定產品規格、設計開發規劃以及開發過程之專案管理。 2.對產品進行市場分析與定位,制定行銷策略和定價策略。 3.負責對外合作廠商評估與內部資源管理整合。 4.上市後產品監控與市調分析,以及客戶溝通管理。 合格之應徵者應有良好的溝通、談判能力與團隊合作經驗。應有3年以上產品管理相關工作經驗,具有IVD醫材市場經驗尤佳。 -- Glycogenetics is a research-centric biotechnology company with a keen focus on solving challenges in glycobiology. We are looking for an experienced product manager to support our product management in the IVD medical device. The primary responsible for the following tasks: 1. Manage product development projects 2. Conduct market analysis and plan marketing strategies 3. Mediate internal and external communication and coordinate collaboration 4. Manage customer relationships and post-market surveillance A qualified candidate should be a strong team player with great communication skills. The candidate should have a minimal 3 years of work experience in product management. Experiences in IVD or other medical devices are strongly preferred.



