Senior Full Stack Developer

薪資範圍:1,500,000 ~ 2,000,000 TWD / year

公司名稱: ReCactus

Hi, We're ReCactus! We're looking for a Senior full stack engineer to join us! Ideally, you should be a senior developer with leadership experience and the potential to both develop and manage other developers.

ReCactus is an innovative video social platform that allows brands to create non-invasive UGC advertising campaigns. 

We have over a quarter-million downloads. ReCactus is backed by international investors and have been featured on CNBC as one of the “Top Four social media apps you need on your phone right now!” We're valued at over NT$100,000,000


We're a small but agile team. With our innovative ideas, that have been recognized in conferences in Asia, taking home 1st place at both:

- Infinity Ventures Summit 2018 (Japanese VC's biggest tech conference)

- RISE (Asia's most renowed tech conference) 2018


我們正在尋找技術領導人,帶領我們的團隊走向驚奇的成長之旅! 我們期望你是一位具有領導經驗的資深工程師,能自行開發及管理其他工程師。



- 2018 日本知名科技展會 Infinity Ventures Summit

- 2018 亞洲最大科技展會 RISE Conference

The following is a bit of our tech structure: 

1. We use Git/Github and adopt Github Flow. We have a great bug fix, staging/production deployment structure.
2. We developed our backend through Node.js, and used Serverless framework with AWS Lambda, which gives our web server massive scalability, allowing us to use the same framework for 10 RPS to 1 million RPS.
3. Compared to RESTful API, we use GraphQL API which lets clients manage data storage details and allow Introspection to be documents. GraphQL in many ways has more advantages, however we also spend a large amount of time preventing recursive query and N+1 query problems. 
4. We use ES6 and ESLint with the aid of Async/Await which optimizes developer experience. The only pity is that we haven’t adopted TypeScript, but we’re sure we will in the near future.
5. We use AWS multiple solutions including S3, CloudFront, Transcoder. (We have a lot of AWS Credit, so feel free to test and play with other solutions as well)
6. The only setback is because we are rapidly developing so we don’t really do testing/TDD, but feel free to speak up and discuss with us.

Other packages we adopt:
1. sequelizejs:ORM, Database migration, prevent SQL Injection and more
2. OneSignal: Massive push notifications, auto localization
3. Sharp: With serverless, we can create thumbnails fast


1. 我們使用Git/GitHub,並採用GitHub Flow,有良好的Bug fix, staging/production
2. 後端是採用Node.js開發,並使用Serverless framework搭配AWS Lambda,所以在Web
server層面來說,有近乎無限的scalability,不怕倒站,對於10 RPS到1 million RPS都
3. 採用GraphQL API,相較於RESTful API,將資料存取細節交由client決定,
會大幅取代RESTful。不過值得提的一點是,我們也花了很多心力在防範recursive query
和N+1 query的問題。
4. 使用ES6並搭配ESLint,尤其使用Async/Await,這能多大改善Developer Experience
(DX) 我就不再多言。不過很可惜還沒採用TypeScript是一大遺憾,但未來也是極有可能
5. 使用AWS眾多服務:S3, CloudFront, Transcoder,而我們也擁有相當多AWS Credit,
6. 目前因為因應快速開發,沒有Testing/TDD,這的確是一大弱點,這個 trade-off 歡

1. sequelizejs:ORM、Database migration、防範SQL Injection等等
2. OneSignal:Massive push notifications、auto localization
3. Sharp:搭配serverless,最輕鬆完成縮圖任務

About ReCactus:

WORK ENVIRONMENT: - An energetic and fun international team - Your ideas and suggestions will be heard - Make friends :)

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: - Flexible hours (no punch cards) - Convenient location (less than 5 min walk from MRT Taipei City Hall Station) - Great food around!

Our technical architecture is Node.js backend on AWS, iOS(Swift), Android(Kotlin). Tech Lead should be familiar with backend and one of app platforms iOS or Android.


- Familiar with backend: Node.js/MySQL/AWS
- Task arrangement and management of engineers
- Develop new and existing features
- Clarify the service concept through communication with team
- Develop reliable and user-friendly apps

Monday to Friday from 10AM-7PM

If you're interested in learning more about us or applying, please send your resume to [email protected]

我們使用的後端架構是 Node.js 並部署在AWS上,應用程式的語言分別為 iOS(Swift)、Android(Kotlin)。期望 Tech Lead 除了精通後端之外也能夠熟悉其中一個 App 平台的語言。

- 精通後端語言: Node.js/MySQL/AWS
- 與 App 工程師合作並分派工作事項
- 維護並開發功能
- 與其他領域的同事溝通並一起發想出服務理念
- 開發可靠並能讓使用者喜愛的應用軟體

每週一到五 早上 10 點到晚上 7 點

若有興趣想聊聊,請把履歷寄到 [email protected]


Fl. 2, No. 178, Section 1, Keelung Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City, 110


About ReCactus:ReCactus is an international reaction video social platform located in Taipei, backed by international investors in HK, SEA and Taiwan. Multi-million USD company.ACHIEVEMENTS:1st Place at RISE (Asia's most renowned tech conference) Place at Infinity Ventures Summit 2018 (Japan's biggest tech conference) on CNBC: “Top Four social media apps you need on your phone right now!” ENVIRONMENT:- An energetic and fun team- International staff with international ideas- Your ideas and suggestions will be heard- Make friends :)EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:- Flexible hours (no punch cards)- Convenient location (less than 5 min walk from MRT Taipei City Hall Station)- Great food around!-2024-09-17