Front-end Developer 前端工程師

薪資範圍:50,000 ~ 80,000 TWD / month

公司名稱: 艾立運能股份有限公司

| About the role |
Ally Transport is looking for experienced frontend engineers who are enable to combine our technology and design easy-to-use websites for fleets, driver, and customers.

As a Senior Frontend Engineer, you will take time to understand the logistics and transport industry knowledge. Also, work closely with the PM and operators to clarify and optimize the working flows. You would participate the development project and establish a world-class next generation TMS (Transportation Management System) that provides the best user experience.

Ally Transport welcomes people who are innovative and dare to change to join our R&D Team. We're going to give a big punch to the transport industry. And you will have many chances to show and prove how amazing you are.

| What will you do |
▸Learn and understand the logistic and transport industry knowledge
▸Participate in product development life cycle
▸Develop world-class next generation Transportation Management System
▸Collaborate with other team to accelerate the production performance

| Minimum qualifications |
▸2+ years of frontend software development experience
▸Familiar with HTTP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS
▸Startup spirit, dare to change, dare to fail

| Preferred qualifications |
▸Experience with React Native mobile app development
▸Experience with Electron desktop app development
▸Experience with agile process, either scrum or kanban




關於艾立運能艾立運能成立於 2018 年,是一家科技賦能的物流運輸服務提供商,提供 B2B 貨運服務及軟硬體整合物流解決方案。主要服務涵蓋第一哩路和中間哩路貨物運輸,客戶包括零食及冷鏈食品製造商、大型日用品牌、連鎖通路、家電、高單價酒類等。 艾立運能擁有由物流業資深營運、新創互聯網及外商科技背景成員所組成的混血團隊,在豐富的物流執行經驗基礎上,運用系統開發、軟硬體整合、AI應用、數據分析能力,提供通路統倉共配、倉運整合流程再造,以及冷鏈低碳綠色運輸等創新服務,協助客戶邁向數位化與淨零轉型,並提升物流靈活度和效率。於 2022 年完成 A 輪募資,投資人包括聯訊創投、新光三越、中興巴士集團旗下指南客運與淡水客運。About AllyTransport Founded in 2018, Ally Transport is a technology-driven logistics provider offering B2B transportation services and integrated solutions. We specialize in first-mile and middle-mile transportation for clients in various industries, including snack manufacturers, cold chain food manufacturers, household brands, retail chains, appliances, and premium wine.Our diverse team combines experienced logistics experts with members in startups and international tech companies, providing innovative services such as retail consolidation, sustainable transportation, and logistics process reengineering to assist clients in digitalization and carbon reduction while enhancing logistics efficiency. In 2022, we secured Series A funding from Harbinger Venture Capital, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, and Zhongxing Bus Group subsidiaries, reinforcing our commitment to innovation and sustainability.經營理念[Dare to Change]我們跳脱框架思考,並透過各種可能性來改變現況;我們具有雄心壯志,不再只想「如果我可以...」,而是實踐「我會怎麼做...」,因為我們相信自己有決策和執行的能力。儘管有時候不確定下一步,但我們從所知道的開始,持續觀察、發想,一步步地開闢屬於自己的路。 我們的團隊會是彼此最嚴厲的評論者、最強勁的挑戰者和最有力的支持者。即使每個人都不同,但都朝著共同的目標邁進-「讓運輸更單純」,這是足以徹底改變世界運轉方式的力量。-We think outside the box and write new chapters to change the norm. We are bold enough to stop wondering "what if I could..." and start living "what I would do differently…". We feel empowered to make decisions and take action. Although there are times when we are unsure about the next step to take, we start with what we know and create the path one step at a time, building confidence and momentum.Our team is here to be the toughest critics, the biggest challenges and the loudest supporters. It's in our differences that we will find the power to keep simplifying the movement of goods and revolutionizing the way the world moves.-2024-09-17