精品服飾 銷售顧問SA [AMEN ITALY]


公司名稱: 裡厚國際股份有限公司

我們正在尋求能力出色的銷售顧問加入我們團隊,擔任歐美頂級設計師品牌/複合式精品服飾銷售顧問,該職位需具備出色的溝通能力、耐心和細心! 理想人選應是喜歡與人交流,對學習充滿熱情,勇於挑戰及追求進步。 此職位需在跟客戶的互動中,展現出卓越的溝通能力和耐心,並以細心的態度提供精緻優質的服務! 官網:https://amenstyle.com 工作內容 ·提供顧客諮詢或主動提供專業建議給顧客。 ·負責擺設商品、清理櫥窗及維持營業地點之整潔及美觀。 ·負責向顧客介紹商品特色、銷售和修改服飾及穿搭方式,以協助顧客締結。 ·負責商品包裝、POS結帳、百貨公司系統操作。 ·負責統計銷售情形、盤點貨品存量及撰寫當日報表交接。 ·定期開發新顧客,鞏固主顧客 ·熟悉欲銷售之產品專業知識 ·客戶關係的維護與需求服務的滿足 ·顧客抱怨及反饋處理 ·維持顧客對品牌形象及銷售顧問信賴度 重點工作職責: 1. 積極與客戶接觸,了解其需求並提供相應解決方案。 2. 通過溝通和展示產品或服務來推動銷售。 3. 與客戶建立良好的關係,並保持持續的溝通。 4. 處理客戶的查詢和投訴,確保客戶滿意度。 5. 與團隊合作,共同達成銷售目標。 6. 面對頂級客戶,展現出卓越的專業素養和溝通技巧。 職務需求: 1. 出色的溝通能力,能夠清晰地表達想法並有效地傾聽客戶需求。 2. 具備耐心和細心的品質,能夠在處理複雜情況時保持冷靜並找到解決方案。 3. 具備良好的學習能力和人際交往技巧,能夠與各種類型的客戶建立良好的關係。 4. 具備勇於挑戰和追求進步的精神,願意不斷學習和提升自己。 5. 具備銷售經驗者優先考慮,但我們也歡迎沒有經驗的同仁加入我們的團隊。 本公司同時尋求未來培養成為展店儲備幹部之機會。 我們提供有競爭力的薪酬和福利,以及良好的職業發展機會。如果您認為自己符合以上要求,並且有意加入我們的團隊,請發送您的簡歷。期待與您共同達成卓越目標! We are currently seeking a Sales Representative to join our team who possesses exceptional communication skills, patience, and attention to detail. The ideal candidate should enjoy interacting with people, have a passion for learning, and be courageous in taking on challenges and seeking progress. This role requires demonstrating outstanding communication skills and patience during interactions with customers and providing excellent service with attention to detail. Responsibilities: 1. Actively engage with customers to understand their needs and provide appropriate solutions. 2. Drive sales through effective communication and demonstration of products or services. 3. Build strong relationships with customers and maintain ongoing communication. 4. Handle customer inquiries and complaints to ensure customer satisfaction. 5. Collaborate with the team to achieve sales goals. 6. Interface with top-tier clients, showcasing exceptional professionalism and communication skills. Requirements: 1. Excellent communication skills, with the ability to articulate ideas clearly and effectively listen to customer needs. 2. Demonstrated patience and attention to detail, able to remain calm and find solutions when dealing with complex situations. 3. Strong learning ability and interpersonal skills, able to build good relationships with various types of customers. 4. Courageous in taking on challenges and seeking progress, willing to continuously learn and improve. 5. Sales experience is preferred, but we also welcome candidates with no experience to join our team. Opportunity for future development as Store Manager Reserve Cadre. We offer competitive compensation and benefits, as well as excellent career development opportunities. If you believe you meet the above requirements and are interested in joining our team, please send your resume to [Your Contact Information]. We look forward to working together for mutual growth and success!



