IC設計自動化應用工程師 (EDA Application Engineer)


公司名稱: 旺世達科技股份有限公司

The EDA Application Engineer (EDA AE) is expected to support the sale and adoption of EDA products, assisting customers in achieving success with our Verification and Implementation related products, including System Level Design, Simulation, Synthesis, Test, Design Reuse, Place & Route, and more. Responsibilities include providing pre-sales activities and post-sales technical support such as technical presentations, technical support, product application, product deployment, expert training, and competitive benchmark. You should be able to serve as the product expert and drive the success of EDA design flow and tools. EDA應用工程師(EDA Application Engineer)的職責是支援EDA產品的銷售和採用,協助客戶在我們的驗證和實現相關產品上取得成功,包括系統層級設計、模擬、綜合、測試、設計重用、佈局佈線等等。職責包括提供前期銷售支援和售後技術支援,像是技術簡報、技術支援、產品應用、產品導入、專業培訓以及競爭性評估。您必須成為產品專家,引領EDA設計流程和工具的成功。 In addition, you will have the opportunity to work with and gain exposure to various designs while providing support to different customers. Through customer interactions, you can enhance not only your technical knowledge but also your soft skills, paving the way for a more diverse and successful career growth. 除此之外,您將有機會透過支援不同的客戶,接觸各種不同的設計。在與客戶溝通的過程中,您可以加強不僅是技術知識,還包括軟實力知識,為更多元的未來職涯發展打下基礎。 Key Qualifications  MSEE/BSEE or equivalent required, with 2+ years of experience  Experience in using ASIC/SoC front-end and/or back-end EDA tools with design knowledge is preferred  Strong customer sensitivity and ability to handle multiple issues while setting priorities  Demonstrates a helpful and caring attitude towards customers, with a desire to help them leverage new technologies  Self-motivated, capable of working independently, and possesses excellent communication skills, including a good command of English 主要資格:  具備碩士學位(MSEE/BSEE)或相當程度,並擁有2年以上的相關經驗  具有使用IC/ASIC/SoC前端和/或後端EDA工具的經驗,具備設計知識更佳  具有對客戶的敏銳觀察力,能夠處理多個問題並優先排序  展現樂於幫助和關懷客戶的態度,並渴望協助他們採用新技術  自我激勵,能夠獨立工作,具有出色的溝通能力,包括良好的英語掌握能力



