東南亞金融科技發展-市場研究人員(數數發中心, DDT)
公司名稱: 國泰金控 Cathay Financial Holdings
(1) 曾於金融、調研機構、投融資企業、法人智庫等機構工作 (2) 具備海外市場資料搜集、產品分析、競爭者分析、政策法規資料搜集等研究經驗,具備系統性的資料蒐集、邏輯思考,與簡報製作等能力,並能將研究成果清楚論述。 (3) 發掘問題並且解決問題能力。 (4) 具金融業或研究經驗佳。 (5) TOEIC above 750, or IELTS above 6, or Toefl above 90 (1) Have been worked for financial institution, research institution, consultancy and research related organizations. (2 )Have research experience in Southeast Asian markets, product analysis, competitor analysis, regulations, etc., with the ability of systematic data collection, logical thinking, and presentation preparation, and be able to clearly articulate the research results. (3) Ability to discover and solve problems. (4) Experience in the financial industry or research is a plus. (5) TOEIC above 750, or IELTS above 6, or Toefl above 90 (1) 研究東南亞金融、金融科技與數位相關之市場、產品服務、法規政策、競爭對手、潛在異業合作夥伴,以及總體經濟等資訊,提供給商業規劃或市場開發團隊,發展新型態商業發展模式。 (2) 彙整當地新聞與市場資訊,撰寫報告、製作圖表及簡報。 (3) 根據研究結果規劃東南亞金融策略發展。 (1) Research the Southeast Asian financial, fintech and digital related markets, products and services, regulations and policies, competitors, potential partners in different industries, and general economy information, and provide them to business planning or market development teams to develop new business development models and establish a digital financial ecosystem in Southeast Asia. (2) Consolidate local news and market information, and capable to produce reports in WORD, EXCEL, and PPT. (3) Plan the development of Southeast Asian financial strategy based on the research results. 國泰金控為台灣領先金融服務業者,致力於成為亞洲最佳金融機構。服務客戶數最多;資產與業績表現,更穩坐業界龍頭;並積極布局亞洲,為拓展東協市場速度最快且據點最多之銀行。其數位暨數據發展中心(DDT, Digital data & Technology) 是國泰金控數位轉型之重要推動引擎,帶領旗下各子集團在這波數位潮流改革邁進。部門團隊由各領域菁英所組成,成員背景多元,橫跨金融產業、管理顧問、網路科技、時尚旅遊、數位行銷、新創科技等各領域。你將有機會與業界頂尖人才共事,共同實現數位新世代前所未有的可能。我們廣納優秀的專業人才,也打造開放溝通的工作環境。因為我們相信,唯有在開放式的團隊文化,才激得起最熱烈的革命火花。金融科技已在改變世界,加入國泰金控,你將有機會改變臺灣金融發展史。 國泰金控為台灣領先金融服務業者,致力於成為亞洲最佳金融機構。服務客戶數最多;資產與業績表現,更穩坐業界龍頭;並積極布局亞洲,為拓展東協市場速度最快且據點最多之銀行。其數位暨數據發展中心(DDT, Digital data & Technology) 是國泰金控數位轉型之重要推動引擎,帶領旗下各子集團在這波數位潮流改革邁進。部門團隊由各領域菁英所組成,成員背景多元,橫跨金融產業、管理顧問、網路科技、時尚旅遊、數位行銷、新創科技等各領域。你將有機會與業界頂尖人才共事,共同實現數位新世代前所未有的可能。我們廣納優秀的專業人才,也打造開放溝通的工作環境。因為我們相信,唯有在開放式的團隊文化,才激得起最熱烈的革命火花。金融科技已在改變世界,加入國泰金控,你將有機會改變臺灣金融發展史。 Cathay Financial Holdings is a leading financial institution incorporated in Taiwan and we are committed to become the best financial institution in Asia in long run. The Digital Data & Technology (DDT) department are established few years ago, in order to drive the digital transformation of Cathay's Group in a revolutionary way alongside with the global digital trends. DDT are formed with a group of experts from finance, consulting, internet technology, digital marketing, startup and cutting-edge technology backgrounds. You'll have an opportunity to collaborate with the industry's top players by joining us, as we are moving into a new digital age of unprecedented possibilities. We have established an open communication environment in our working culture, which is suitable for inviting experts from all industries. We believe that revolutionary innovation only exists in an open team culture and work environment. FinTechs are changing the world! Join Cathay and seize the opportunity be part of this revolutionary moment in Taiwan's financial history.公司地址:
台灣 臺北市其他: